A word of advice

Hey All,

Just wanted to get on my soap box for a little bit, but hopefully you will all learn something from this.

First of all, congratulations and the best of luck to you. Whatever your reason for starting this journey, I'm sure there is a good reason and some type of motivation to it. Whatever you do, hold onto those goals and always look toward them as something achievable. Also, don't be afraid to set smaller mid-range goals for yourself. Reward yourself as you see fit--give yourself a reason to continue your quest.

More importantly, know exactly what you are getting yourself into. Getting fit is not a decision, its a commitment and one that should not be taken lightly.

I started almost two years ago and, as a scared 26 year old weighing 360+ lbs, had no idea of the roller coaster that waited for me over the next few months. All I had was the vision of what I would look like when this was all over. I wish I could tell you the only tough part of this battle would be the physical part, but that would be far from the truth. Losing 160 lbs is not only a physical battle, but a mental and emotional battle.

There were times when I questioned whether or not all my effort was in vain. There were times when I deprived myself of things I desperately needed (friends, time, food, sleep, etc.) The decision is tough and, something that shouldn't be made on a whim. The best advice I can give is to keep everything in balance.

Don't be afraid to deviate from your diet and exercise routine. In fact, make it a point to do so every now and then! It not only gives your body a chance to break up the routine, but helps you remember why you are spending those long days in the gym.

More importantly...physical health is only a small part of your overall health! You can be the most fit person in the world, but if you're unhappy, you will eventually drown in those sorrows. I spent a lot of time in the gym to cover up the fact that I was a lonely person. I knew it, my friends and coworkers knew it, but I denied it. I fought that mentality as long as I could until I basically had a breakdown. DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU!!! Seek help from those around you when you need it! If they truly care, they will always be there to help you.

Finally, don't worry about what the mirror says you look like. I look in the mirror now and see stretch marks, the remnants of an extra chin and a decent sized fat flap on my belly. Losing weight does this to you, but don't be scared of it. These cosmetic imperfections now mean I'll that I'll have a better chance at playing with my grandkids and spending more time with the love of my life. I used to view them as ugly folds of skin. They are now battle scars that remind me of what I have accomplished.

Sorry about the long-winded diatribe, but I wanted to at least give you a glimpse of what might be to come. Your situation is going to be different than mine, but hopefully this doesn't detour you from doing this. I couldn't be happier in my decision to change my life. It has given me immeasurable amounts of self confidence and a new lease on life. Totally worth it. If you ever needs words of encouragement or a boost in getting started, message me and I would be glad to help!

Best of luck!