Staring over!

Hey MFPers!!

I'm Sarah and this isn't my first rodeo is wanting to lose weight. I'm 26 years old and weight has always been a struggle of mine. I found out last summer that I am hypothyroid and I have Hashimoto's Disease. My thyroid is severely enlarged on my right side. I've been taking my thyroid medicine since being diagnosed but that hasn't been doing a whole lot. But anyways, I'm kicking 2015 into high gear and working towards eating healthier and working out more. Thankfully, I have a membership at the YMCA so I'm able to attend multiple areas to work out. I've been expanding my taste and trying new things, hoping that I'll like them and incorporate them more into my meals. Shopping for healthy foods isn't as hard or expensive as people make it out to be. I'm looking forward to hearing from some of you all, and hopefully we can become supports through this!!

Have a great day!