Emotional eating!

I'm pretty sure I have a tendency to eat as a reaction to stress! Anyone have any tips on how to avoid reaching for the biscuit tin??


  • djd89
    djd89 Posts: 6 Member
    You must have kids... lol. I find myself struggling with the same thing! For example: this morning my 3 year old threw a fit...what do I do? repremend.. then imediatly go to the cuboard for a hand full of choclate cranberries... its human response.. get stressed out then try and medicate some how.. what I usually try and do is: instead of reaching food... I go make myself a cup of hot flavored tea.. I use the time while sipping my tea to think about what I can do to actually solve the stress rather than mask it. I guess I'm still medicating through puting something in my mouth.. (tea) but at least it dosent involve calores.

  • BethWilliams24
    BethWilliams24 Posts: 175 Member
    I actually don't! I have lots of animals lol, but I do have a job which requires me to keep around 50 other staff members happy - and sometimes that feels like having lots of kids!!

    Thanks for the tip! I'll try it!
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited January 2015
    Work out an action plan that can make you think more at the moment you come under stress, so that you do something else instead to relieve the stress. Go for a walk, chat with a friend, listen to some music, watch a film. You have to take responsibility that you are in control of what you eat and that if you do eat things becayse of emtion, then you are also making a decision that you regard the short term gain as well as being ok with not losing or putting mopre weight on and staying where you are. You cant have both.

    Perhaps you want to think how you cna become more effective at work, maybe its assertiveness, better organisation, self esteem, sticking up for Yourself, delegating properly.

    Dont let it be an excuse but deal with it.