Hey guys/ gals,
Ok so here is the question... I'm trying to do a calorie based diet and so far I've been following it pretty well... what I get confused about is this.
As per information I've read online (yes i know i cant trust it all hence why I'm asking bc I'm confused) the calories you eat during a day are usually wrong when you try to count them also the exercise a lot of the times is a lot less calories burn so I shouldn't trust what I'm logging since I'm likely well OFF what the actual number is... THAT BEING SAID.. I read that the exercise that you do it's better to not eat back those calories... the problem is this myfitness counts those calories and - them out of my daily amount already taken so at the end it shows up as if I'm eating less calories that I should be per day... which is really confusing more so since I'm trying to stay under 1,200 per day but still do exercise...So what I've been doing is not logging all my exercise so that it will let me hit the end of day without saying I'm not eating enough (I'm FULL ALL DAY seriously I cant eat more) IM SO LOST! if someone could help me understand what in the world I'm doing wrong I would greatly appreciate it!


  • chunkytfg
    chunkytfg Posts: 339 Member
    Firstly don't worry. you're worries are pretty normal.

    Yes as a general rule you will under estimate your calorie intake because you will eat stuff you don't qualify properly. A bowl if cereal is the prime example of this problem. you pour a small bowl full then weigh it a realise you have actually got a double portion!

    Digital scales are your friend for accurate measurements, weigh everything.

    You can eat back your exercise calories but the as a general rule I wouldn't eat back any more than half of them.

    Remember the weight MFP says you will be in 5 weeks time is based on nothing more than thats days intake so any variation between days intake will make the number change. Ignore it.
  • maggikal117
    chunkytfg wrote: »
    Firstly don't worry. you're worries are pretty normal.

    Yes as a general rule you will under estimate your calorie intake because you will eat stuff you don't qualify properly. A bowl if cereal is the prime example of this problem. you pour a small bowl full then weigh it a realise you have actually got a double portion!

    Digital scales are your friend for accurate measurements, weigh everything.

    You can eat back your exercise calories but the as a general rule I wouldn't eat back any more than half of them.

    Remember the weight MFP says you will be in 5 weeks time is based on nothing more than thats days intake so any variation between days intake will make the number change. Ignore it.

    Thank you so much for your answer :) I was worried I was doing something really wrong.. I'm trying to develop new habits and to be honest I'm so over weight that even IF it was wrong I would still loose a lot of weight BUT I rather develop my new habit correctly and not have to EVER go through this EVER AGAIN! lol

    Thanks for you help... Think I'll stop by the store and pick up a scale (I've been having cereal every morning... now I'm wondering) I was putting off on buying one but seems like the best thing for me to do is to just go get one that way I can be a little more sure at least.

  • chunkytfg
    chunkytfg Posts: 339 Member
    If you are a cereal person then I can say with 99% certainty you are underestimating how much you are putting in a bowl compared to the recommended amount. Pre MFP I used to eat heathy cereal but would end up with about 100g of it which is 2.5 times the portion size. I'm down to 1.5 times now but I still think it's only half a bowl full!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
  • maggikal117

    AWESOME! Thanks I will def take my time to read it all I appreciate you answering back :)

  • maggikal117
    chunkytfg wrote: »
    If you are a cereal person then I can say with 99% certainty you are underestimating how much you are putting in a bowl compared to the recommended amount. Pre MFP I used to eat heathy cereal but would end up with about 100g of it which is 2.5 times the portion size. I'm down to 1.5 times now but I still think it's only half a bowl full!

    Yeah I was just using a measuring cup... I figured a cup is a cup whats the point of weighing it... opps! >.<