I need to gain weight

Im 6'5 and currently 178 lbs. 2 weeks ago I weighed 185. How am I losing weight! My caloric intake is about 4500. I lift 4 days a week and work a very active job the other 3 (still in school) I'm not that weak bench 175x3 squat 225x3. I take 5grams of creatinine each day with my protein shake. Yet I still lose weight.


  • Ri0t801
    Ri0t801 Posts: 12 Member
    Try making a " snack bag" when you get up for breakfast. Try to eat a medium sized meal 3 times and snack in between. Stay hydrated by including water bottles in the snack bag. I find that drinking plenty of water is crucial.
    Focus on protein, fat, and carbs and less on calleries. Watch vitamins and nutrient levels etc.
    Avoid foods that speed up or promote metabolism like some starches.
    at least this seems to be helping me.
    Good luck!