What is YOUR "go-to meal"?



  • MrsMKB
    MrsMKB Posts: 64 Member
    amw1919 wrote: »
    Homemade turkey burgers, salsa chicken, or skinny chicken parmesan!
    Yummmm!!! I forgot about DELISH turkey burgers! But this canadian girl will probably wait til spring for more of those, 'cause I love em on the bbq and am not bbqing in the snow! Lol
  • Monnietron
    Monnietron Posts: 96 Member
    ashNoak wrote: »
    Hey ladies and gents! Tomorrow is my one-week-aversary and I am PUMPED! ... I asked a question to those on my friends list and had a lot of fun reading everyone's ideas, so I thought I'd repost here to get even more input :)
    Also, while I've got your attention- if you are an active MFP user, please feel free to add me for mutual support and encouragement!

    What is your "go-to meal"? What is that one meal that keeps you on track because it hits all your cravings and is perfectly healthy/promotes your weight loss goals? ... Mine is my homemade tuna salad, with a variety of gluten-free crackers and cucumbers on the side, or my homemade turkey "taco" salad!

    Extra points for protein junkies like me ;)

    mmm love homemade turkey taco salad I do that too!! Peirogis with asparagus is mine hahah!
  • lpendleton58
    lpendleton58 Posts: 285 Member
    There is my garbage bowl I have twice a day; boneless-skinless chicken breast, brown rice, spinach/kale mixed, eggs/egg whites/sweet potato mixture. Add a piece of fruit on the side and it helps me stay on track of my calories, fats, carbs, and protein
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Scrambled eggs. Quick, easy, plenty of protein!
  • harryalmighty
    harryalmighty Posts: 10 Member
    bbq chicken pizza

    spaghetti carbonara

    5 egg wet scrambled eggs on chive bagels

    steak and fries

    my macros are set at 380carb 75fat 190protein
  • Honojane
    Honojane Posts: 2 Member
    For breakfast, oatmeal with peanut butter and toasted almonds.
    For lunch, tabouleh with no added oil.
    For dinner, something low cal from the crock pot so I don't have to obsess about food all day and can get on with my life.
  • pinkslipblues
    pinkslipblues Posts: 19 Member
    For breakfast: English Muffin with an egg white and half of a cheese slice - about 155 calories, 13 grams protein, tastes good and is filling!
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    edited January 2015
    I by pre-cut "Stir Fry" veggies in the produce section: Broccoli, Carrots & Snow Peas and large frozen shrimp (peeled and deveined). Stir fry it with a little EVOO and cajun seasoning... Low cal (~350), low carb, high protein and FAST! Heat skillet add 1 T EVOO and veggies cook ~ 8 Minutes. Add 10- 12 large shrimp and Cajun seasoning, toss with veggies for a minute or 2. Put a lid on and steam 2 more minutes. Done and delicious!

  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    Buffalo chicken stuffed peppers - red peppers sliced in half, blanched. Saute mushrooms and onions until soft. Set aside. Saute chicken strips. Put mushrooms and onions in with chicken. Add Frank's Buffalo Wing Sauce. Spoon into pepper halves, add a little sprinkle of mozz, toss under broiler until cheese is brown and bubbly. Low carb, high protein. Way delish.

    Also, fish 'tacos'. Tilapia that has been cooked and flaked with a squeeze of lemon. And guac sauce - plain greek yogurt, avocado, lime juice, cayenne, salt and pepper in the blender (add water to thin if needed). Blend until smooth. Pour into bowl and mix in chopped cilantro and tomatoes. Roll tilapia topped with sauce in romaine leaves.
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    beef chilli
    i make a massive pot of it and freeze the extra portions
    i have it in a bowl with some cheese sprinkled on the top
  • Debbjones
    Debbjones Posts: 278 Member
    If I am cooking, sauteed fish in onions (no butter, I use a sweet tea for moisture) with a side leafy salad.

    If I travel, then it is Subway... one of their less than 300 calorie 6" offerings...
  • AlisonH729
    AlisonH729 Posts: 558 Member
    Cabbage soup with Smoked turkey sausage in it, so good!

    Yes! Me too. Cabbage soup with sausage. I love that I can actually eat enough of it to feel full. It's also perfect for sick days when working out is the last thing on my mind and I really just want to eat a big bowl of soup and watch Netflix.
  • court_fritch26
    court_fritch26 Posts: 297 Member
    Spaghetti Squash with light sauce, baked chicken or turkey meatballs, and a big salad! It's so good and kicks my pasta craving…my hubby even loves it! If I still want something I slice up some strawberries and add some sugar free cool whip!
  • LauraPa1mer
    LauraPa1mer Posts: 65 Member
    soggynode wrote: »
    Turkey, dried cranberry and feta cheese wrap with a pile of chopped veggies. It's my go-to lunch. I even put a picture of it on my profile page in case I forget what a really tasty lunch looks like and start thinking a trip to McDonald's is a good idea.

    That sounds delicious!
  • Eire228
    Eire228 Posts: 238 Member
    Maybe not a meal, but I still absolutely love it (and crave it!):
    Hummus and carrots.

    Ditto! I have hummus with some variation of carrots, broccoli, celery, green/red peppers, or cucumbers for a snack every day. I've been doing this for so long, and I'm waiting to get sick of it. But it has yet to happen! I'm already counting down the minutes until I get to eat my delicious snack today. :)

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    my absolute go to is scrambled eggs with veggies and a side of bacon.

    my go do most awesome delicious meal is skirt steak and sauteed zucchini.
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    Breakfast lately has been a half an english muffin with onion and chive cream cheese topped with smoked salmon... So delicious (it used to be greek yogurt and berries- that's good too).
    For lunch- a green salad with sauteed chicken, avocado, bacon, tomato and ranch dressing- It tastes like a BLT. Or rotisserie chicken salad with alfalfa sprouts and balsamic vinegar. Yum!
    Dinner varies all the time!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    A lot of delicious ideas here.

    My latest is:

    1 potato Knish (split)
    1 slice of cheese
    2 oz of pastrami

    heat it up and wala~

    = 310
  • skinnyD2308
    skinnyD2308 Posts: 92 Member
    For craving satisfaction - taco salad with lean ground beef - had it last night actually - about 430 calories for the whole meal.
  • tkillion810
    tkillion810 Posts: 591 Member
    My go to used to be oatmeal with fruit, chia seeds, hemp heart, almond butter, and real maple syrup. Now that I've cut out most grains, I have been enjoying spaghetti squash w/ marinara loaded w/ added veggies and a small side salad. I also really enjoy scrambled egg white + 1 egg and warmed up sliced banana or apple topped w/ cinnamon, almond butter and chia seeds. Once in a while I'm in a more savory mood and I'll sautee up a veggie omelet with a side of steamed broccoli.