bad day yesterday

I was doing so well but a silly argument turned me to food. The only consolation was that it wasn't sweets, crisps or chocolate but sandwiches. I am up today feeling better and am going to put it behind me and have a good day today xxxx this losing weight is not easy. Have lost 9 kg so can do it :D


  • TheEats
    TheEats Posts: 49 Member
    Well done for getting right back on track!

    Make sure you have some alternatives to fight emotional eating. When I am angry or upset or sad or just tired, I find it helps to go for a brisk walk, listen to some suitable music or, sometimes, just plain cry. If you are able to, calling a friend and talking can help too! This is how I combated self-harm and I believe the same coping strategies are suitable for turning to food for emotional support. It is all about rewiring your brain :)
  • joannanewman580
    joannanewman580 Posts: 8 Member
    9kg is awesome congrats! Nothing wrong with a bad day , it's when a bad day becomes a week/month/year.... You sound like you woke up refreshed and ready to be back on track :) Have an awesome food/excercise day and leave your bad day behind you. Good luck :)
    P.S I emotional eat so I know how you feel :)