Sick as a dog!



  • webuiltthisnicky
    webuiltthisnicky Posts: 84 Member
    edited January 2015
    What is unhealthy about toast, hot chocolate and curry? There is no reason these items cannot be part of a healthy diet.

    I don't really have room for them in my calorie allowance unless I skip a meal somewhere. The 1200 calorie allowance doesn't really leave much wiggle room, although I'm only starting out so I probably still have a lot of calorie-saving tricks to learn (still discovering low cal alternatives to things etc)

    Just FYI, I eat at 1200 calories, live in South Asia and regularly make "curry" for dinner. If you're making it with cream (or getting takeout), that's a Westernized version :smile: So first of all, don't ever put in cream. (It's hardly even available here. Seriously, I have to make a special search the few times of year I actually use cream.) If you want it creamy, use a few tablespoons of yogurt or coconut milk. (Neither one is high-cal in small amounts. I use whole-fat yogurt; in fact, nothing else is available. But it really doesn't add many calories.)

    Also, there's no need to put in a lot of oil. I usually use about 2 tablespoons for 3 people per dinner. Not sure what else could be making it hard to fit in ... although it's true that bottled curry mixes and other commercial Indian foods, like achars (chutneys/pickles), are very high in oil. So it CAN be high-cal, but homemade Indian/South Asian food definitely doesn't have to be. (The rice amounts or roti/naan etc is another issue. I'm talking about the basic veggies or meat.)

    Anyhow ... I'm also dealing with a nasty cold right now (although I wouldn't say "sick as a dog," who is the only one in the house who is healthy at the moment :smile: ) ... Today I made an omelette for breakfast (protein!); had a lot of bowls of chicken soup with loads of garlic (as well as turmeric and ajwain, which is what's traditionally done here when you're sick; I make a soup base and keep adding to it all day, basically, so there's always some soup on the stove); and then made a high-protein pork stew for dinner (saucy, so lots of liquid, plus the protein). Like others said, the idea is to give the immune system some fuel to work with! And liquid. Lots of it.

    But if you're sick, gosh, go home! If the folks at work aren't impressed by your cold now, they'll be impressed when they catch it. Feel better!

    Oh my God these sounds great. I'm learning to cook at the moment so I'm taking note of all the tips I'm getting lol! Thanks!
    jpaulie wrote: »
    I eat at maintenance when I am sick.

    But also when you are sick make sure you are getting enough water you seem to come up a bit short there :)

    Guilty! I'm really forgetful about water. I think I'm going to have to set a reminder on my phone to go to the water cooler.