Need to make a change

Hello everyone! I am a 33-year-old mother of two who finally realized that I need to change my eating and exercise habits.

First, I simply eat more than my body needs. Not necessarily all bad food (breakfast consisted of Greek yogurt, a banana, and apple juice), but too much food in general.

Second, I was not exercising...period. I am an online instructor for a major university so a good chunk of my day is spent at my computer, but I definitely had time to work out. The motivation was not there.

But, then I noticed a growing amount of fat around my waist. Not cool. I prided myself on my relatively flat stomach. So I started working out. Cardio Pilates, Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred, 2-mile brisk walks around my neighborhood. I finally weighed myself last night. Drum roll please.... I had gained 10 pounds over the past year, an increase of 8 percent. Again, not cool. I now realize that exercising will not be enough. I have to track how much I eat. So here I am.

I could really use some support and accountability. My husband is supportive and exercises often himself, but food is his downfall. Throw in two kids who are on the small side and picky eaters, one of which has hypoglycemia. You can see my predicament when it comes to food.

Long story short, I would really like someone to keep me accountable.