Looking for friends to help motivate...Need to lose 50 pounds!

2wise4u Posts: 229 Member
I'm not really new to this site but I haven't been consistent with logging everything I eat to stay on track. I'm committed to working out every morning for an hour and usually eat relatively healthy foods for breakfast and lunch but I seem to blow it during dinner. My biggest problem is trying to locate home cooking in the database and I get frustrated and don't log it. I also snack when I'm bored and just need a reminder to stay on track.

I'm 44 this year and need to lose 50 pounds or more for health reasons. I'm looking for a friend that can help motivate me and help to keep me focused. I'm committed to lose the extra weight this year and finally feel healthy. :smiley:

If anyone has similar goals and wants to friend me or just pass along some helpful advice, please feel free and thanks in advance.


  • div9diva44
    div9diva44 Posts: 151 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add. Got lots of modivation to go around. The journey is hard but easier and more fun with friends!