40 before 40

Hey MFP's!
I've been logging daily for ~3 weeks, but this is my first time in the community. I'm aiming to lose at least 40 lbs before my 40th birthday in December 2015. 4 years ago I succeeded in losing ~50lbs over a 6 month period. I kept it off for 2 years, but then a series of sports injuries lead to physical limitations, frustration lead to poor dietary discretion and back came the weight. I used Weight Watchers last time, but I feel that I lost the weight a little too fast due to my activity level so I'm going to try MFP this time around and am giving myself a little more flexibility in my calories to try to accommodate my very active lifestyle.

I love the outdoors, hiking, biking, climbing, running, etc. I need to lose weight for my health, but also to be able to continue doing these things in a sustainable manner. Would love to find others with similar goals and interests to support and encourage each other on the journey!