Looking for HONEST friends to start over.

KatyRu Posts: 55 Member
Hello again MFP.

So I've got quite the back and forth streak, and what I REALLY need is someone who's going to be honest and up-front with me about my habits. In return, I'll be honest right back.

Last year, I lost about 25 pounds (though I was already down about 15-25 pounds from my starting weight which was, I believe, 240). Then my dad died, and I gained back about 5. Then my mom died very suddenly, and I gained back that last 20 to end up back at 215 pounds. So now, I'm ready to start feeling better about myself again. I was in a really good place mentally before the death of my mother (in fact, she and I were both planning on starting a new lifestyle together the day after she had a heart attack). My mom died of a genetic heart disease, which I likely have as well.

So here it is, all laid out.

Age: 21
Height: 5'4" (okay, 5'3 3/4", but I round up)
HW: 242 lb
SW: 216.6 lb
CW: 211.6 lb
GW1: 195 lb
GW2: 180 lb
GW3: 165 lb
GW4: 140 lb
UGW: 125 lb

Make my tattoos look sexier
Live a long life with my husband
Improve PCOS symptoms
Keep heart disease at bay

I work at Starbucks (free food/drinks)
Emotional binging / "I deserve it."

I'm up for friends of any age and weight. :)

