Quit smoking in 2004, gained a ton, ready to quit this cycle!

All my adult life, my weight was around 110 top. I'm short and small-boned and could eat and drink anything I wanted. I never exercised. I had a couple of babies, gained weight, then lost it within six weeks. Then, after 35 years of smoking, I quit. Bam! Within two months I gained nearly 30 pounds. I was gradually working it off, when a tragedy struck and I had to move. Stopped exercising and reached 169 lbs. six months ago. Yikes! Joined the Y, and it was up and down until I finally got below 160. That motivated me to join a group Personal Trainer program at the Y, which introduced me to this site. I had joined a couple of weight-loss sites, but quit after a few weeks because they simply weren't easy to navigate. I love, love, love MyFitnessPal! Coupled with the six-week personal trainer program and my own incentive from seeing my weight go below 160 for the first time in nearly four years should have me zooming!


  • vidald
    vidald Posts: 75 Member
    I have been smoke free for 5 months now and I am suffering the same issue! I have been able to lose weight easily until I quit smoking and just like you wham I can't lose a damn pound! I am so frustrated! I have been to a doctor to make sure I am healthy and got a clean bill of health. I have been working at this for 3 weeks and nothing has come off. Clothes don't fit better yet, the scale laughs at me and well I am glad it isn't just me suffering!