

  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    I weigh in everyday I feel for me it adds a level of accountability. But I have been at this for nearly 7 years so i do understand the body fluctuations.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    once a week / bi monthly.
  • stephanieegelton
    stephanieegelton Posts: 5 Member
    I would do once a week, because then I can focus on my eating and exercise, and not getting worked up over a bad weigh in
  • jmarie1967
    jmarie1967 Posts: 51 Member
    It depends on how you are personally affected by fluctuations in your weight, both up and down. If you only want to see a steady decrease in weight, then once a week, or even much less...some say not at all. I personally love seeing the fluctuations every day. I get to see patterns in my weight based on my living patterns. That's fun for me, but others get hugely demotivated when they see an uptick. So, it really depends on you. There's no right or wrong answer.
    Totally agree with Leo! I am one who can handle the day to day fluctutation...I don't freak out if I don't lose or if I gain a bit, it forces me to examine why, sodium, not enough exercise, too many carbs? It helps to motivate me. By doing this, I can also tell the change monthly too and don't let it freak me out when I am up several pounds, because I know it will come right off after the cycle. I like what the poster said about the older lady who weighed daily, when I stop weighing daily, I lose my personal accountability, just like tracking what I eat...
  • doricolerolon
    doricolerolon Posts: 1 Member
    I weigh myself on a weekly basis. I feel that if I do it everyday, when I gained a pound or two, I get very discouraged. If I weigh myself weekly a pound or two does not seem like such a big deal. However if I have lost a pound or two I tell myself - see you did it this week and you can do it again next week. Plus a weekly weigh it - I don't forget as much! First thing Monday morning - yep that's my weigh in! Good luck, and do whatever works best for you.
  • ohtheveganity
    ohtheveganity Posts: 25 Member
    I weight myself throughout the week basically whenever I feel like it. I only record my weight on Sunday or Monday mornings, it depends (usually if I don't see the scale move much on Sunday...I'll try again Monday :) It might be cheating, but I don't care!) Our bodies fluctuate so much that seeing a pound gain can be disheartening and seeing a pound drop and then come back the next day (which it very well could) is even more disheartening. So I don't ever worry about it, sometimes I just like to see how I'm doing, like halfway through the week on Wednesday or Thursday.
  • genofreek
    genofreek Posts: 75
    I weigh myself everyday to make sure i'm on the right track, however I only update my weight on my profile on a Wednesday "weigh-in wednesday"

    Same! I like to check my progress just to see how my day's looking, but I only note down one weigh-in a week on here, and that's on Tuesdays.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I weigh whenever I'm near a scale. It works for me because then I don't have to buy one. If I did I'd be getting on it everytime I went potty and be posting here all day long all the usual "oooooohhh I gained 3 lbs" "aaaaaaaaaahhh I went up 6 lbs is it TOM" "eeeeeeeehhh I lost 2 lbs yesterday and then gained 4 today what o what could it be."

    I prefer not to go nutsbonkers on a daily basis over my fluctuating weight. So I wait until a decent amount of time has passed and then look for opportunities to use one whereever I may happen to be, gym, school, a store that happens to leave them out for people to try, the quarter scale at the grocery store, etc., etc, etc.
  • nblais06
    nblais06 Posts: 376 Member
    I do it once a week then your not stressing those times when your weight may go up or down during the week. So every day on Saturdays when i wake up i weigh my self.
  • crevices
    crevices Posts: 226 Member
    I wish I could weigh myself less than once a day, seriously it just fascinates me how many times the scale changes throughout the day. But I find it a lot easier the times I do wait an extra week or so, because I'm pleasantly surprised by the result most of the time.
  • terriejones
    terriejones Posts: 518 Member
    I only record my weight on Monday mornings but I step on the scale whenever I want.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    I think you should start measuring weekly.
    The scale for me is a # I could care less about.
    I think I weighed myself a few months ago.
    Then recently just for fun.
    I lost several several several inches,but only lost 1/2 pnd.
  • shuki_cotren
    shuki_cotren Posts: 328 Member
    I agree with some people that it definitely depends on how you react to things and how your emotions are affected. I weigh myself every day just so I know if I want to change or increase my exercise mid-week.

    I have to say I am way more disappointed in myself if I get to the end of the week without seeing a change, than if I see a gain after just a day (because I know the body has fluctuations it goes through).

    Weighing every day helps me be proactive so I don't have to see no change or a gain after an entire week of hard work.

    However, only weigh yourself once a week if any of these are true:
    1) Weighing only once a week motivates you to work harder during the week
    2) You would get depressed seeing no progress (or gains) during daily weigh-ins
  • jennifersmiles444
    jennifersmiles444 Posts: 118 Member
    I used to step on the scales every day, and I'd get really discouraged. I've lost 22 lbs., but it has been a slow, steady loss (about
    1.5 pounds a week) so there wasn't a big change from day to day. Plus, what you eat and how much you burn is not always reflected in weight the next day. About 2 months ago, I decided to start weighing in weekly (first thing every Friday morning) and I've been much happier! The scale almost always reflects a loss, so it's much more satisfying. Afterwards, I put the scale out of sight, in a place that's hard for me to reach. That way, I'm not tempted to step on it all the time.