Fitbit issue--my calories seem way off now

Has anyone else synced their fitbit to their myfitnesspal account? I did this morning and my daily summaries seem way off now. Basically, I'm supposed to consume somewhere around 2000 calories a day. After activity, calories burned are then subtracted from my daily totals, and I can now consume X amount more to reach my daily allowance. That's all great, except that since I added fitbit it's saying I'm burning a lot more calories than before, and so my total calorie allowance is a lot higher than previously.

Am I missing something here, or have I basically been underestimating my calories burned prior to syncing my fitbit? I mean, it's great that I am allowed to eat a bit more, though it's not like I've been starving. Anyway, I'm just a little confused about this. I'll definitely be under my calorie goal from now on if it keeps counting all those extra burned calories from my fitbit. It's weird, considering I haven't done much activity besides walking anyway...

Alas, any body else have issues with this?


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I think a lot of people tend to underestimate their total daily calorie burn.

    For example:

    On my "lazy" days, my fitbit puts me at only burning around 1990 calories. So even with MFP set to sedentary, I get calories taken away.

    On days were I go shopping, but don't work out, I can end up with fitbit estimating my burn around 2200.

    On days were I work out, I can end up with fitbit estimating my burn to be around 2200-3000.

    I generally eat up to 600 calories under my total fitbit burn (sometimes only 100 under), which means I should only be losing 1lb a week at most. Yet I'm averaging at 2lbs per week lose. For me, fitbit actually underestimates my total calorie burn a great deal.

    edit: weekly progress email from fit bit for 5/13 to 5/19

  • Neshmi
    Neshmi Posts: 42 Member
    That's interesting. Perhaps I have been underestimating my calorie burn, but I don't think so. I suppose it's better than not having it connected. Either way, I'm going to continue eating like I have been, even if it means I'm under my recommended calorie totals by quite a margin. I'm not feeling hungry, that's for sure.