18 year old, 6 months strong

Friend me if you're looking for free advice & no not tricks, there are no shortcuts on this journey, you have to be persistent. I started around 135, gained upto 155 & back to cutting down to 145, currently 147. Diet, resistance training & HIIT are the 3 key factors. If you need help or have any questions, feel free to message me, I want everyone to continue this healthy lifestyle!


  • Hunt_4
    Hunt_4 Posts: 3
    What's your macro split look like?? I am trying to cut put not sure if I'm doin it right. My split is currently 40c 30p 30f for 2,044 cal at 188 lbs 5'10-11"
  • Moiz_SK
    Moiz_SK Posts: 21 Member
    50/30/20 - You need to up your carb intake, if you don't get carbs your fat burning furnace slows down, & I'm cutting right now too, & if you want to revv it up, you NEED to incorporate HIIT training every other day, 30 seconds as fast as you can skipping, jumping jacks, box jumps etc. Also need to know yur bf %?
  • Mycophilia
    Mycophilia Posts: 1,225 Member
    The broscience is strong with this one.
  • Mycophilia
    Mycophilia Posts: 1,225 Member
    I am helping by labeling your information for what it is, broscience. Upping your carbs will not increase your metabolism, and the "afterburn" effect from HIIT is negligible at best.
  • Moiz_SK
    Moiz_SK Posts: 21 Member
    Google refeed days. Josef Rakich uses it himself, no broscience, just facts. Now you're talking about hiit.. Okay, might aswell google morellifit, bradley martyn, jeff said, devin physique & josef rakich.
  • What are your thoughts on a guy who's been cutting for 4 months now and lost a lot of weight XD but wants to come back with lean muscle. I guess you can say the guy is somewhat considered "skinny fat". Should he keep cutting to lose the belly or build the muscle foundation first while bulking? I am aware of the fact that you may gain fat again if you bulk however.
  • Moiz_SK
    Moiz_SK Posts: 21 Member
    I had the exact same problem about half a year ago, this helped me then http://www.muscleforlife.com/skinny-fat-solution/
  • Did you approach it like he said? And if so, If you don't mind my asking, how did you start your skinny fat transformation? Diet or Workout?
  • Moiz_SK
    Moiz_SK Posts: 21 Member
    I ate 3k calories for a month straight & started high weights/low reps(6-8 reps) weight training, it's inevitable you'll gain fat but you'll also gain muscle w the heavy weightlifting, do hiit training after bulking for 2 weeks, like dr. Layne norton does, you'll break out of it in a month or two
  • Wait. 3k a day? What was your starting weight before hitting that amount of calories? Because if you were skinny fat, that much calories would make you fat in the beginning even if you were lifting that big. I hear that its best to do gradual increase in calories when trying to bulk
  • Moiz_SK
    Moiz_SK Posts: 21 Member
    Yepp, you're right, but I was really active and used to play competitive soccer for 6 hours a week so I used to burn most of it off. My daily maintenance before was 2,400, so I increased my intake by 600 to 3k. 300-500 cals is a good gradual intake rate, you should start it, I was just letting you know how I got out that problem