How long should cutting and bulking phases last?

I've been lifting heavy for about 9 months now and have seen great results. I'm desperate to lose my last bit of tummy fat - I probably need to lose about 6 pounds. I've decided to switch to a calorie deficit for the short term, mainly by upping my cardio and also by continuing to lift heavy, and of course watching my diet. Is there an optimum length of time that I should spend leaning out or does it just depend on my results and how my body feels?
I've really struggled with this decision as I love lifting and love been able to up my weights and feel stronger! I'm aware that over the next few weeks lifting will feel harder but I am going to do my best to try and maintain my lifts even if I can't beat them!
Any advice welcome!


  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    If it's just the last bit of "tummy fat" for 6 pounds I'd lose at 0.8-1lb per week, so give yourself about 6-8 weeks at a 450-500 calorie deficit per day.
  • BigmanTG
    BigmanTG Posts: 645 Member
    You are on the right track! It's all on how you feel and look, you may lose a small amount of muscle while cutting but keep your protein high, it's possible to maintain your current muscle and lose those few pounds just take it slow and track your progress.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    There's really no pre-defined limit. Usually the leaner you are, the less time you want to cut for. BUT that also depends on your rate of loss. Faster rate of loss will mean that you don't want to cut for quite so long. Unless you're overly fat, then you can pretty much get away with longer cutting periods.

    So yeah, it depends. If you've only got 6lbs to lose then whatever. Set your goal to like .5lbs/week and shoot for 12 weeks or something along those lines.