Getting my body back after cancer and knee injuries

Hi all, I'm a 40yo mother of three littles who worked hard to lose the baby weight and sadly gained it all back this past year. About a year ago I injured both my knees. My workouts and skiing came to a screeching halt as I recovered from one knee surgery and was going through PT. Then I got diagnosed with breast cancer. I had a double mastectomy and the recovery process is excruciatingly slow. I'm now back at the gym and working hard to get back in shape and lose this extra 20lbs before my next recon surgery and knee surgery. I just joined a fitness challenge going on at my local gym. My goal is to be back on the slopes in December and fit into my jeans! I'm looking forward to MFP helping me along the way. I hope that by logging my food and exercise I'll be able to show my oncologist just how hard I'm working. (I suspect that my cancer meds are partly responsible for the weight gain as it's a very common side effect, but I'm going to do everything I can to combat that.) I do eat relatively healthy, but need to be better about my sodium intake, so this will be a great tool for me. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone here achieve their goals.