looking for workout buddies in the Dallas area

Hello members


  • Hey jazzy, I can be your 'virtual' workout buddy as I live very very far. Goal is for me to keep up with your training and you to keep up with mine. I go to the gym 3-4 times a week and started doing Insanity training in between but I am struggling with it. It should be easy for you, I'm almost 50. Up to it? Louis from way up north in Canada

  • How much weight have it looks
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    Where in Dallas are you and what do you do for exercise?
  • I'm in Mesquite, where are you at??
  • rodriuezbl
    rodriuezbl Posts: 8 Member
    HEY! I live in Euless but I work in Dallas! What kind of workouts do you enjoy? I enjoy jogging :smiley: