Shotokan Tiger back in the ring!

Hi I'm new here (just ten days) but trying to lose weight has been a long struggle for me.
I've always been big, but ... I'm 33 now and it's time I got my life in shape.
A few years ago I weighed 270, and was very depressed.
I'd been raised on mcDonalds 3-5 times a week, my mom was 370 pounds when she stopped weighing herself.
So I didn't have the best foundation, but... this is now.
The last year or so I've been eating healthier... I've completely sworn off soda and for meat I mostly go for chicken and fish, I use truvia to sweeten drinks and basically just eating veggies and such...
but I never knew that you had to excersize as well, not just what you eat that can bring a change.

I've started back into Shotokan Karate again after a ten year break, and.. in the last five weeks, I've lost 10 pounds.
Today I stepped on the scale and it said 243. I haven't seen that number in YEARS!!!!! Knowing that I'm getting a good start on my journey, I kNOW I can do this.

And you can get to your goals too! I 'm kind of a cheerleader and like to root for people, so maybe we can get to be friends on here. Look me up! Best of sucess on your weight loss journey as well.