Eating all your calories vs. coming in under your daily target...



  • Sweepypie
    Sweepypie Posts: 161 Member
    edited January 2015
    Sweepypie wrote: »
    I am allowed 1,580 calories a day, but I never eat that much. I am disabled and can't do much exercise and I am still losing weight! At the moment I have lost 21lbs in 12 weeks. I am happy with that.
    Sorry about doubling up!!!
  • Pootler74
    Pootler74 Posts: 223 Member

    I don't find it's about making oneself eat more in terms of volume .. for me, it's about diversity in my diet and eating foods I fancy when I fancy them

    for example I've just snarfled a bag of crisps (chips) just because I wanted to .. and I can fit them in my defecit

    it's what makes it not feel like a diet but just how I live my life

    We need a like button for posts like this. That's exactly how I'm doing it and why MFP has been the key to my most successful, enjoyable, easy weight loss endeavour ever. :) I really feel like I could keep this up for a long, long time.