Chronically sleep deprived...

How do you get the motivation to do anything when you're chronically sleep deprived? I've had issues with insomnia most of my life, but it's really been dragging me down this past year and a half. My doctor seems at a loss. I hoped changing my diet would help. I've been making a concerted effort to eat more vegetables, but it doesn't matter. Exercise doesn't help, either, and the fact that I'm so sleep deprived makes doing anything more than my daily walk a rigorous chore. (Even walking is tiresome. I feel so groggy and lightheaded after I'm done.)

I don't know what I'm asking for. I know this isn't a medical site, but I don't know where to turn anymore. Everyone says eating better and losing weight has done wonders for them energy-wise, but it's making no difference for me. I'm just so tired of feeling tired.


  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    For me, the more exercise I get the better I sleep at night. If I don't exercise I have a hard time getting to sleep and staying asleep. I say push through the exercise about an hour a day,no matter how groggy you get and see if that helps. Try some melatonin too. Whatever you do... turn off all devices/screens an hour before bed, set up your room only for sleep (no tv), and do some deep breathing to relax yourself.
  • AusAshMommy
    AusAshMommy Posts: 845 Member
    ^^ What she said - I'm in the same boat sleep deprived and lacked motivation - talked to the Dr yesterday and she told me to up my veggies & protein and she actually prescribed me a daily 45-Min nap as soon as I hit the door (hubby was sitting there with me @ the Dr's office and heard it himself), no more than 45-Min to help get me through my evening and to help re-set my energy levels in hopes that I'd be more rested. Today is day with you there!