I aint going to give up!! Looking for motivation and friends!

Good morning everyone!! :) I am not new to MFP but I am new to this community forums. I am 23 and I have gained some weight over the years and I am trying to get motivated to loose weight and feel great health wise and about myself. I have tried before but I just can't get away from the junk food. Not gonna lie. I have a sister who has lost a lot of weight and I've very proud of her! My inspiration to want to loose weight and be healthy. I hardly have any friends on here so that kinda stinks. I don't wanna do this alone. I would love some more inspiration, motivation, friends and stories. I Would return the motivation and support! My goal is to loose at least 45 pounds by summer! That don't seem a lot but it really is. I'm not going to give up this time. I want to feel good all around! :) can we be friends? Thanks!