Too many carbs!?! Help!!!



  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    It's ok with what you eat. There's no such thing as good carbs, bad carbs... just carbs. Food is food. Either way, the only important part you need to worry about to lose weight is this: eat the amount of calories mfp has given you. That's already put you in a deficit to lose the weight you want.

    That's right. Food is food. A donut = an avocado = a twinkie = broiled fish = a McDonalds milkshake = a salad. The MFP philosophy to weight loss.

    1. I never said any of that. (Blah=blah=Blah....) I don't have that same mentality as those you're thinking of.
    2. Food IS food tho. There's nothing wrong with OP eating carbs. She doesn't seem to have any allergies towards carbs. So there are no good or bad carbs. There's no need to completely avoid foods if they don't make you sick and you love them. As long as you're in a caloric deficit you'll lose weight, or else how do you explain my weight loss? Or anybody else's here on mfp? Magic?
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I found when I eat more protein and fats, I can eat more food...and that makes me happy. If I fill my diary with carbs, I can't eat as much. I love "if it fits my macros". I will make potatoes, rice, breads, etc fit into my diary. I will eat less of them because the chicken breast, fish, eggs and other meats I'm consuming fill me right up. I like the person that said "it's trial and error" really is. I feel my best (and not deprived) at 150g of carbs a day. Considering I was up to 400-500g of carbs a day before MFP, that's pretty damn good.
  • SciranBG
    SciranBG Posts: 97 Member
    If you are in the US and on a low-carb diet, you can usually subtract the amount of fiber from the total carbs. Fibrous carbs are usually good for you anyway.
  • Valrotha
    Valrotha Posts: 294 Member
    I hate the terms 'good and bad' carbs. More accurately, there are compelex and simple carbs. Each have their place, but I'd focus more on taking in complex carbs unless you're burning a lot of calories in your work out and need a boost. Check WebMD or some similar source that you can trust.

    There are lots of well meaning people here, but sometimes the information isn't as accurate as it could be. Personally, I try and take in about .7 grams of protein for each pound I weigh, so at 190 I'm trying to take in about 135 grams per day. After that, I just try to eat healthy and let things fall where they will, which usually turns out fine.

    Overall, though, as far as weight loss, focusing on staying under your calorie goal is paramount. However, a high protein diet, from what I hear AND read, is good for focusing your body on using fat for energy when running at a calorie deficit rather than lean muscle mass.

    As always, do your own research. Again, WebMD is a good starting place. Lots of health and nutrition related information there. Just keep one thing in mind. The science on A LOT of things is not settled yet, so be careful if you're reading about a preliminary study or something similar. You will, from time to time, find highly educated people disagreeing about things. Try not to take anything as gospel unless you've read it multiple places with no dissenting opinions.

    Good luck in your journey!
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    edited January 2015
    It's ok with what you eat. There's no such thing as good carbs, bad carbs... just carbs. Food is food. Either way, the only important part you need to worry about to lose weight is this: eat the amount of calories mfp has given you. That's already put you in a deficit to lose the weight you want.

    That's right. Food is food. A donut = an avocado = a twinkie = broiled fish = a McDonalds milkshake = a salad. The MFP philosophy to weight loss.


    You know better than that.

    Let me fix that for you: For weight loss purposes 100 calories of donut = 100 calories of an avocado = 100 calories of a twinkie = 100 calories of broiled fish = 100 calories of a McDonalds milkshake = 100 calories of a salad.

    That is undeniably true.

    You want to talk about health and nutrition, fine. They are not the same but in terms of weight loss it is self evident and undeniable.
  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member
    It's ok with what you eat. There's no such thing as good carbs, bad carbs... just carbs. Food is food. Either way, the only important part you need to worry about to lose weight is this: eat the amount of calories mfp has given you. That's already put you in a deficit to lose the weight you want.

    That's right. Food is food. A donut = an avocado = a twinkie = broiled fish = a McDonalds milkshake = a salad. The MFP philosophy to weight loss.


    You know better than that.

    Let me fix that for you: For weight loss purposes 100 calories of donut = 100 calories of an avocado = 100 calories of a twinkie = 100 calories of broiled fish = 100 calories of a McDonalds milkshake = 100 calories of a salad.

    That is undeniably true.

    You want to talk about health and nutrition, fine. They are not the same but in terms of weight loss it is self evident and undeniable.
