Weight loss when breast feeding

My baby is nearly six weeks old & I am breastfeeding. I've got 2 stone to lose to get back to pre pregnancy weight & 3 stone to ultimate goal.
I am walking for between 30 - 60 minutes a day. I'm also sticking to between 1500 & 1800 calories per day.

I normally (pre pregnancy) do a lot of exercise but am more limited now I have my baby - I can't leave him to go to they gym yet & the two times I've tried to do an exercise DVD I've had to stop as he cried.

Any tips for losing weight & toning up that can fit in with my son & the realities of early motherhood?


  • sherbear702
    sherbear702 Posts: 649 Member
    I wouldn't be in such a rush to lose the weight. You just had a baby six weeks ago and if you plan on sticking to breastfeeding for a while, you don't want to reduce your caloric intake too much. At the very least, you can bundle that little dude up and go for a walk. Put him in the stroller or in a front pack and go for it. If you stick to exercise DVD's only do ones that are 30 mins long. Little babies sleep a lot and I'm sure you can fit in a quick workout while he's snoozing.
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    I am new on this website, but my second child is 8 months and I'm still nursing. Nursing never made me drop weight easily like some women claim! But it does make me hungrier!

    Give it time...my little one now is so much more able to be put down for a time then she was when she was as little as yours. She'll sit and play with a toy while I run on the treadmill (she thinks it's funny) and my 3 year old will try to do a Yoga DVD with me sometimes. I'm just now getting to the point where this is possible though.