pain in throat/front neck when doing situps

eresin Posts: 104 Member
Hey all,

I have real trouble doing any kind of sit ups. I know I must be pulling up with my neck as the front of my neck/throat area really hurts and I can't go on. The thing is I don't know how to not do that. my tummy muscles are obviously so weak that they can't do the job for me.

I've heard that if you stick your tongue out when doing it it helps, and it does a little but it still gets so sore.

Is there maybe some other way I can do this without it hurting my throat or another way to work my abs? I just started 30 day shred and don't want to give up


  • kavanaghev
    kavanaghev Posts: 75 Member
    I get this sometimes doing heavy squats and I use it as a signal that I'm doing something incorrectly with my form. Are you doing sit-ups (like military style) or crunches? Consider googling the Pilates 100 and doing this at the easiest angle to start in place of JM's crunches until you strengthen your core. Without being able to see you, I'm not sure how to correct your movement. I would try lots of different styles of crunches until you find one that doesn't cause this pain. Good luck!