exercise routine help??

Hi all,
Wondering if anyone would be kind enough to help me out. I've been suffering from a leg issues for the last few years. Being inactive has caused me to gain weight and make me very unhappy. :'( I miss taking classes at the gym and going for walks. I'm very much an all/nothing exerciser so haven't been doing any exercise at all which is not good.

I have 90PX, 30 day shred, etc and have a number of weights at home. Obviously I can't do the videos (squats and lunges would be impossible as is running) but thought I should at least do something.

Anyone know of any exercise programs that focus on upper body/core, or exercise routines that I could follow consistently?? I need some kind of program (like the classes or videos I did before) or I won't do it. Would it be silly to just do upper arms from Body for life or is there something out there that is tailored for people with lower body issues? What would be the most effective exercises with limited mobility??

I know its a strange question but know we have a lot of experts here who could help me out. I'm desperate to start feeling 'normal' again and I think if I start moving it will help me emotionally if not physically.


  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Doing upper body motions with light weights can really elevate the heart rate. Maybe looks for some boxing programs/videos? I have some aerobics vids that do boxing with light weights and it's taxing!

    Can you do walking? Check out Jessica Smith and Leslie Sansone- both are instructors who do weight loss videos that are just different variations on walk in place motions and people love them and have a lot of success with them.
  • phys72
    phys72 Posts: 66 Member
    can't do walking without irritating it further but love love love your suggestion of boxing. One of my favorite classes was a kick boxing class so maybe I can find a video that focuses more on punching activities?