
Hello! If anyone wants to just rant, or share a story of how an injury has held them back before, and how long it took to get back into the healthy side of things, and what they did to get there? For me it was a tailbone injury and boy was that difficult to deal with.


  • aj0987
    aj0987 Posts: 6
    My torn meniscus was hard, took almost a year to be able to run properly again. I tore it on duty in the military and they didn't give me crutches or any help and stopped my physical therapy after 3 weeks so it didn't heal properly. My rotator cuff has been torn twice and my arms are so weak now, but they're getting better. I've learned a lot through each injury. Prevention is something you can start now with stretches and strengthening exercises.

    Here's my 2 cents, stick to physical therapy and keep your blood flowing! You need the blood to flow to the injury to help it heal. My rotator cuff injury healed better the 2nd time because I walked/ran every day for 30-45 minutes and then did my stretches and physical therapy every single day. The first time it tore I used it as an excuse to sit around! I didn't want to hurt it so I didn't move my shoulder. Wrong! You gotta keep moving (only if your Dr. okays it)

    Don't get lazy, DONT GIVE UP! :) I know the pain, the icing after every workout just to be able to move, I get it. If you need support feel free to add me.