So hungry!

Hello out there!

I am writing this because I am so hungry! I've already eaten all of my calories for the day (77 over, actually). I have my MFP set at losing a pound a week and usually the caloric amount seems sufficient, or more than enough. I had a busy day at work today, but didn't do any additional exercise outside of work, nor do I have the energy to right now. I don't wear a fitbit or anything, so no way of tracking calories burned. I don't want to go way over on my calorie intake, but what do you do if you eat all of your calories and are still very hungry?



  • shadowloss
    shadowloss Posts: 293 Member
    Drink water! Are you hungry or just bored? Water will help determine. Also, if it's so painful that you can't stand it, then eat something. So you go over today, if your in this for the right reason and it's a long term change, 1 day is not going to break you, just be more aware tomorrow and try to make up some of the extra from today.
  • Rochelle3643
    Rochelle3643 Posts: 3 Member
    I Drink water??? That doesn't fill you up. Maybe you are not eating enough calories. What type of eating program are you on?
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    When I'm really hungry, I eat.
  • babytarragon
    babytarragon Posts: 3
    edited January 2015
    Maybe the calorie total is set too low, it takes a while to reduce your appetite. Last thing you want to do is make your body think it's starving.

    If you feel very hungry, you have to go over your total and eat something else. Letting yourself feel hungry is guaranteed to destroy your motivation.

    Are you eating the right kinds of foods as well? Using all your calories on high GI foods is gonna make you hungry.

    Just don't be too strict on your calorie total until you've settled into healthier eating.

  • RebelDiamond
    RebelDiamond Posts: 188 Member
    It's true that thirst can present as hunger. Try having a big old glass of water and if you're still hungry in half an hour eat something small/light.
    It's ok to go over your calories every once in a while. One day with a deficit is not going to make you shed 10kilos, just like one day with a surplus won't make you gain 10kilos.