
Does anyone here have hypothyroidism? I guess im just looking to hear if it really is possible to lose, maintain and live happy with an underactive thyroid. I just started taking phentermine because my dr reccommended it, and im almost scafed to susceed because im scared ill gain it back!


  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    I am severely hypothyroid and just started seeing an endocrinologist. I had been on meds for 18 months and my PCP was slowly increasing the dose, but my thyroid levels were still 4 times as high as they should be. My endo doubled my current dose, and I'm only a few days into the new dose and I can already tell a difference. I'm hoping this helps with my weight loss as well! I've tried phentermine and it was awful. Kept me awake, gave me the jitters, and felt like I was high on meth. Hated it.
  • calliegirl73
    calliegirl73 Posts: 22 Member
    kyogreen is what i take, and coconut oil as well both help the thyroid naturally. i have been taking both during the day and see my weight drop. i also work out a little bit but not much and am not on a diet.
  • mnied01
    mnied01 Posts: 5 Member
    So far ive felt ok on the phentermine, thank goodness but ive heard some people feel the same as you do on it.

    Compared to levothyroxein or synthryoid how does the coconut oil work? Or is that just a supplement along with your replacement?
  • sbashe
    sbashe Posts: 4
    edited January 2015
    I've been struggling with hashimoto thyroiditis for about 4 years now and I know how frustrating it can be. Ive gained 30 pounds. I'll take some advice as well.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    Do you see an endocrinologist sbashe? I'd highly recommend seeing a specialist versus a PCP for this. Every one that I know that has been dealing with hypothyroidism agrees that seeing an endocrinologist is a must.
  • mnied01
    mnied01 Posts: 5 Member
    Do you see an endocrinologist sbashe? I'd highly recommend seeing a specialist versus a PCP for this. Every one that I know that has been dealing with hypothyroidism agrees that seeing an endocrinologist is a must.

    I agree 100%, my pcp labled my levels as controlled and then i went to an endocrinologist and he was shocked and upped my doesage
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    Well PCPs and Endos go by different standards. PCPs say that levels below 5 are fine, but my endo wants to see mine at 2 or below. Right now they're at 9, and that's after 18 months on meds. She now has my dosage at 250 MCG upped from 125 MCG.
  • samidence
    samidence Posts: 1 Member
    I have Hashimotos and PCOS, I can tell you that it is possible to loose weight. The toughest part is when your thyroid decides to go out of whack and the weight comes back. It is a hard balance and to stay persistent because it can become discouraging. People with thyroid problems will have to work twice as hard compared to someone with a normal thyroid. The main goal should be to replace fat with muscle and not to look to become "skinny". Just because you are or want to be skinny doesn't mean you are healthy.
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    I have this problem too. Calorie deficit is working for me. Good luck!
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    I'm hypothyroid, and have successfully lost 32 lbs since August, and am now 137 lbs at 5'7, so I would say that it is definitely possible.

    1. I weigh all my food with a food scale
    2. I log diligently. I eat what I want as long as I make it fit.
    3. I don't take free days that will sabotage my work. If I'm extra hungry then I might eat closer to maintenance that day. I've never felt like I was starving.
    4. I work out so that I can lose a bit faster

    Good luck!
  • Graves Disease here (hyper) but I'm currently on the hypo end of normal and have gained a massive amount of weight. Every 6 months or so I swing from hypo to hyper and vise versa... So I'm always losing weight extremely fast or I'm packing on the lbs because I've gone the other way. I currently see an endo but I'm looking in alternative medicine to deal with my thyroid. Dealing with it as natural as possible is the best method for me.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    You cannot be more hypo than I am, lol, and I am losing. I'm down 82 pounds and still going. It comes off very, very slowly. Mi eat less than most and I work hard and it STILL comes off slowly, but it comes off!! :)

    I know that isn't the case for everyone. Not everyone can lose. I know how lucky I am.

    Just want to say that you shouldn't compare your loss to schedules or the formulas MFP or dietitians use. No comparing to anyone but yourself.

    Losing slowly beats not losing at all and since some people can't, we who can should be grateful and not complain about how slowly it comes off. Sometimes I have to remind myself of that, lol, but I believe it.

    Good luck! :)
  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    I'm hypo, I take my prescribed Levothyroxine daily and I'm consistently losing at the steady pace of 1lb a week.
  • V1990
    V1990 Posts: 1 Member
    Ok not sure about normal thyroid levels as they may be different in Canada. I was diagnosed Graves disease 20 years ago. I was admitted to hospital and treated by an endocrinologist. I was give the "cocktail" and put on Synthyroid. Then last year I was told by my general practitioner (family doctor) that I am hypothyroid. I am 66 years old and have struggled with weight for all of the 20 years and today. I am logging everyday and exercising daily as well. So far (in 4 weeks I have lost 1.3 lbs.). I am now on Levothyroxin and my doctor says my levels are fine. She is not in favour of increasing my dosage as it could increase my heart rate. So I am taking baby steps to loose 13 lbs. I am hungry all the time!
  • NJGamerChick
    NJGamerChick Posts: 467 Member
    I've been hypothyroid for many years, and medicated for over 10. Finding the right medication is really important. Not everyone responds to synthetic thyroid, and not everyone responds to the natural thyroid. I was one of the lucky ones (sarcasm) who doesn't respond to synthetic t3 and t4 and continue to gain on them, but do marvelously well on Armour Thyroid (desiccated porcine thyroid made into a pill in a lab with levels balanced). My mom does well on levothyroxine. It's possible to lose weight. You have to be a bit more diligent.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    well my thyroid is now dead :) so yes I am hypo / Hashi's... I am on 200mcg Levothyroxine daily... As long as I take my meds, I can lose weight. The only thing different for me, personally, is I have to be very diligent in counting and weighing foods. I have no room for error and I frequently have to recalculate my TDEE.
  • rachellamella
    rachellamella Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, my name’s Rachel, I'm 34 and live in the UK: I've also got hypothyroidism (only been on medication since December 2014) so now looking to share details on diet which I think will help my motivation. I've gradually lost 44 pounds since last July and now the weight loss is slowing as I'm reaching closer to my goal - feeling a bit of a dip emotionally so would be good to hear from people who also have hypothyroidism. Have been reading lots about coconut oil so would like to know if anyone has taken this and whether it really is the miracle it is made out to be!
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hashimoto's here too. I'm also on 200 mcg a day after a really bad Hashi's crash last year which left me with 30 extra pounds on an already overweight frame. That one took over 6 months to get my thyroid finally regulated.

    I meticulously weigh and log and exercise when I'm feeling well enough for it. I have other autoimmune diseases. I lose at a decent enough rate, though. It feels slow, but it's really not. About a pound every 5-6 days.
  • mnied01
    mnied01 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks everyone, its nice to know theres plenty of people who are in a similar situation!
  • livb528
    livb528 Posts: 55 Member
    It's nice to see others with hypothyroid who are successful. I was diagnosed hypo after my second child was born and gained 40 lbs on top of being overweight already. I'm also breastfeeding which makes having too big of a calorie deficit hard for me and baby. I really have to exercise to see a drop. I was on levothyroxine and cytomel but it really didn't help much as far as energy goes. Now I am on armour as well as doing natural things: iodine, selenium, essential oils, etc and feeling more functional. I've been doing MFP for a week so I hope to see results!