So I do really well for about 5 days out of the week. Eating at my RMR and exercising. But on my two days a week where I don't exercise, I somehow always binge!!! Today I had almost an entire jar of Nutella. It was terrible. I just couldn't stop, and I like started sweating as I was eating it because I knew I shouldn't be eating it, but I just could not get the spoon out of the jar without eating an entire spoonful, then another then another.

I may just go on a jog to try and offset a little bit of it, but dang this just keeps happening!!!! Is it possible that this could help me lose weight? Like that I'm kind of shocking my body into responding to my calorie deficit? Gosh I just need some way to rationalize this behavior or someway to stop it. I beat myself up so much when I do this. It's like subconscious almost, I just can't stop. I think it's a trigger I have when I go home to just binge my face off. I HATE IT. I work SO HARD during the week just to undo all my hard work during one slip up.......UGH Makes me so upset..


  • xoxdollyxox
    xoxdollyxox Posts: 12 Member
    Oh God I know how you feel. Had a moment today... It was cookies and cream cheese cake... I knew I would feel bad.. I even felt so guilty and upset while I was eating it.. but I just couldn't put it down.. I'm sooo good during the week... I allow myself breakfasts and dinner on a Saturday to have what I like and meant to be good Sunday.. which never seems to happen!!

    I'm still loosing weight but I hate the fact self control is not my strong point.. <:(
  • dsalveson
    dsalveson Posts: 306 Member
    I've done that and actually saw a better loss even though it was unintentional. I ate very light and clean throughout the week and at that point in time I was active but not working out hard or anything, then when I would go to my parents house on the weekends my eating ranged from just not AS meticulous to many times eating whatever I wanted like fries, ice cream, etc. I too have been there with the nutella, haha. I didn't plan it like that or anything but I kept that cycle up for at least a month and lost an extra 8 lbs from the weight I was stuck at for 2 months.

    It could just be a coincidence, but I think it's definitely possible that keeping my metabolism on its toes helped me see a faster loss. I wasn't tracking calories or activity rather just keeping acutely aware of the quality and amount of food I put in my mouth so it's also possible everything just evened out and it wouldn't have mattered that I ate light 5 days / heavy 2. Not sure but whatever works! Right now I'm just eating moderately every day.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member

    also "almost subconscious" is not a thing. if it were subconscious you wouldn't be aware of it. if you think your home is a trigger for binge eating maybe get a new place. IDK.
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    You're eating at your RMR and exercising 5 days per week?? And you wonder why you're binging? o_0

    Try eating more calories every day, work in some (or more) of the foods you like/want to eat. I don't know how much you have to lose, but try calculating your TDEE (accurate for the amount of exercise you do) and taking 10 - 20% off that to get your daily calories. That way if you want Nutella, weigh, it, measure it, log it and work it into your calories for the day. And you will still lose weight. Good luck.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    I can understand the, must have something or other you are missing. I have done that over the years. Now I have got wise to myself and something which is a magnet I do not buy. It is much easier to walk past in the shop than in my cupboard.

    Don't give your self a hard time. Tomorrow is a day of its own and as long as you don't have too many, get away from you, days you will be fine.

    You could try this eating back calories burned in exercise, which may help you stay with a comfortable balance.

    all the best and don't panic.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    You're under eating. If I was exercising 5 days a week and only consuming enough calories to lie around like a vegetable I'd be shoving a jar of Nutella down my gob also.
  • lb628
    lb628 Posts: 75
    I've done that and actually saw a better loss even though it was unintentional. I ate very light and clean throughout the week and at that point in time I was active but not working out hard or anything, then when I would go to my parents house on the weekends my eating ranged from just not AS meticulous to many times eating whatever I wanted like fries, ice cream, etc. I too have been there with the nutella, haha. I didn't plan it like that or anything but I kept that cycle up for at least a month and lost an extra 8 lbs from the weight I was stuck at for 2 months.

    It could just be a coincidence, but I think it's definitely possible that keeping my metabolism on its toes helped me see a faster loss. I wasn't tracking calories or activity rather just keeping acutely aware of the quality and amount of food I put in my mouth so it's also possible everything just evened out and it wouldn't have mattered that I ate light 5 days / heavy 2. Not sure but whatever works! Right now I'm just eating moderately every day.

    This is exactly what's been happening to me! And I have actually seen gains after a real hard workout I did yesterday. Like I binged worked out but then binged again today. I have a feeling I'm going to gain all the fat's a terrible cycle really