Need to Lose the baby belly

After having 3 kids time to get back on track and lose this belly what is the best exercise for the belly to firm and lose the giggle ????


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited January 2015
    Can't spot reduce.

    Recommendation - Exercise for looks and health (strength & cardio). Eat at a deficit to lose the fat.

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  • youngfart
    youngfart Posts: 7 Member
    Sorry. There isn't one. It isn't possible to target a specific area of bodyfat, just reduce your overall bodyfat percentage. IMO, the best way to lose bodyfat all over is to lift weights. Pick up really heavy stuff; you'll burn calories while you're doing it, and then continue to burn calories as your body rebuilds the muscles stronger.
  • I do the insanity workout and that has definitely reduced my belly and I'll be firm and in a bikini by the summer. My son is also 16 months so it does take time
  • jetskisimpson
    jetskisimpson Posts: 116 Member
    I've had 2 kids and the one major thing I've noticed is how while prego your abdominal muscles separate so to help build core strength "front planks" are gonna be your new best friend. After having my second child I couldn't even do 1 sit-up at 3mo post partum and that was unusual for me so I did research and discovered what was preventing me from doing what I had always considered an easy exercise. So start with front planks and of course cardio is the ultimate fat burner. And calorie cut. Good luck
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    Careful with abdominal exercises and separated muscles, it can further the gap. Reducing body fat all over and strength training will help. And time. My 4th baby is 7 months old, stomach is flat, and no ab exercises in sight.... I run 3 times a week and lift 4.