I refuse to step on a scale.

Because I feel that if I do, that number will seem so insurmountable that I'll be dejected and adopt a "maybe next week" mentality. All I know is that if I stop drinking soda and go on the elliptical for an hour a day, in a few weeks my stomach is tighter, my arms are tighter and I can feel good enough about myself wear a tank top in public. But something always makes me revert to old habits and the day I give in a have a soda to "reward" myself, I find that I don't work out as hard and the next day I won't work out at all. And by that point I'm even contemplating visiting a drive-thru! It's all or nothing with me, and I don't have a strong enough support system to help me achieve my goals. I don't know how much I want to lose. I don't want to be stick-thin as I have a very athletic body, especially from the waist down. I just want to be happy. My sister, my "best friend" is overweight and unhappy and refuses to do anything about it. Whenever I begin a program and want to get her involved I say: "Hey! Let's walk around the lake!" Or "Let's try this healthy recipe," she rebuffs me and tells me to go starve myself some more. My problem isn't with food. Sure I love candy and cake and fried food but I also love vegetables and fruit and lean meat. If I have it on hand, I will eat it. Whenever I start a diet and being restricting calories, the first few days are hard and I feel like I'm starving, but it gets easier. But then the hour on the elliptical becomes two and I become obsessed. Where is the balance? Maybe I am all in my head and instead of a nutritionist I should be contacting a mental health professional! But that's another message board. If anyone took the time to read my rant, thank you. I want to be healthy and I want to feel beautiful. Can anyone ever have both?


  • sneedyreedy
    The one thing that you can do to start living healthily is to give up soda! You can always reach for a water bottle or drink from a drinking fountain. Water is still free. You have to WANT to lose weight. Setting small goals a week can help you get started on your weightloss program. For example, not drinking any type of soda or sugary drinks for a whole week is feasable. Then, maybe the week after that, no chips or candy. You have to have the mindset of "I can have that, but I DONT WANT IT".
    If you have Netflix, I suggest you watch Hungry For Change. It's a very good documentary on what's in our food and what you can do to start eating healthy foods and to start feeling good about yourself.
    Good luck.
  • michellec1846
    Thanks for the response. The thing is, I CAN give up soda, I gave it up cold turkey 10 days ago and every day gets easier. I LOVE water And always have a bottle with me. My problem is that if one thing doesn't go right in my day, I look for a crutch and grab the easiest and closest comfort I can find. And the vicious cycle repeats.
  • Salem291
    Salem291 Posts: 27 Member
    Being fit it's almost every one struggle but in my opinion you don't need to give up anything just make your life balanced eat healthy and work out and there is no harm to eat junk food drink soda even alcohol .. for me loosing wieght or being fit does not mean I have to give up everything it's like a test and u get rewarded for it by eating whatever you want .. The bottom line is stay motivated and u will achieve whatever you want the way that u desire ... sorry for the lecture I just wanted to share my point of view
  • Kristy5225
    Kristy5225 Posts: 14 Member
    Have you thought of trying plain mineral or soda water? You still get the "fizz" without the calories and sugar content. I drink quite a bit of this and find now that normal soda dinks are far too sugar laden to be enjoyed. The problem with soda is that it does not quench your thirst, you just go back looking for more. Might be a small compromise to get you through your short term cravings