Has anybody tried the Advocare 24 day challenge?

I have a co-worker that swears up and down about how great the results are from doing the Advocare 24 day challenge, but I am skeptical...there are so many fads out there. I just want to lose about 13-14lbs to get down to about 9-10% bf, but I also dont want to lose the LBM I have already gained, and I am still trying to gain additional muscle mass. Has anyone out there tried it? Seems like every new diet fad or miracle product that comes out ends up being over hyped or a straight up scam.



  • vanessab1221
    I am getting ready to start my 2nd 24 Day Challenge. I admit I was very skeptical about doing the first one. I don't like taking pills or anything related to quick weight loss supplements. A friend of mine [someone i truly trust] told me about it and was never pushy or anything, which for me, that helped. When someone is way too pushy it just worries me that it's not legit. I ended up LOVING it! It's not really a diet in the usual sense. You can actually eat!!! And it was enough to actually be fool and not miserable throughout the day. They help you by giving you some recipes which were pretty great, especially since they weren't so labor intensive. I don't want a meal that is going to take 3 hours to prep and make. You do have to take quite a few vitamins so prepare yourself for that. I got used to it after a couple of days. The only thing that didn't taste great was the fiber drink, but I ended up just chugging it and I was fine. If you mix it with OJ then you'll be golden. I ended losing 10 pounds but lost a ton of inches. I added Catalyst to what I took during the challenge and it helps a ton with muscle mass. Once the challenge was over I continued to take Catalyst, Omegaplex, Spark, and drink the morning shakes. This time around I am adding Thermoplus to what I'm taking for a bigger jump start. Good luck with your decision. If you have specific questions let me know! Good luck with your decision!!!
  • gijoe1687
    gijoe1687 Posts: 5
    Thanks! I have already bought everything and I am going to start next monday when I get back into town..I bought the package from a distributor who used to be one of my Soldiers and is incredibly fit, like 8% BF and has retained his muscle tone, so I dont feel like I got scammed (too much), just didnt know if once I was finished it would I just gain the fat back, where you become dependent on having to purchase like $300 dollars worth of supplements a month. I have never been a big vitamin person so that is a little confusing to me is how does taking a bunch of vitamins make you lose weight? But I never claimed to be a nutrition expert, so I'm gonna give it a go and see what happens. I do have a big appetite, so that is the hard part for me is to keep that in control, I have been doing pretty good for the past two weeks, staying around 2100 calories. Thanks for the response!!

  • juliannehofer
    its a waste of time and money , try Isagenix
  • kittyhasclaws
    kittyhasclaws Posts: 446 Member
    In reality, it's a waste of money. It really is. The whole idea of "do this every few months" is because it's not something sustainable, but it'll make you feel good at the beginning because, hey, I've lost some weight! Of course, a lot of it is going to be retained water. Unless you keep eating like that, keep exercising like that, the likelihood of keeping that weight off is low. Advocare is just another MLM scam that preys on our obsession with quick fixes for losing weight.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    You just wasted money that you could have spent on new clothes (or whatever) after eating at a moderate deficit and exercising and losing weight and keeping it off.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    In reality, it's a waste of money. It really is. The whole idea of "do this every few months" is because it's not something sustainable, but it'll make you feel good at the beginning because, hey, I've lost some weight! Of course, a lot of it is going to be retained water. Unless you keep eating like that, keep exercising like that, the likelihood of keeping that weight off is low. Advocare is just another MLM scam that preys on our obsession with quick fixes for losing weight.

    Oh it's a scam. I guess so is GNC or any other supplement company. Silly me.
  • gijoe1687
    gijoe1687 Posts: 5
    Everyone has an opinion on supplements some are "great" some are "scams" and "worthless", but I think if ur taking a supplement whatever it may be, if ur mind believes its working and u reach ur goal or at least making progress then I say go for it as long as u dont break the bank doing it. You gotta keep yourself motivated
  • mojo1115
    mojo1115 Posts: 21
    I just finished with my first one...today. I loved it! I didn't feel like I dieted and I ate more than I usually do. I just made smarter choices. The first 10 days was a a 6.2 lb loss. I will do my final tallies tomorrow morning, but I know that my clothes fit better and my stamina is way up. I was able to run a solid mile and a half without stopping. I have never done that! Some people need a push in a good direction. Those who say it's a waste of money either haven't tried it or are lucky enough to be blessed with an iron will when it comes to eating every possible vitamin and mineral that their body needs. Drinking Sparks, taking supplements and drinking tasty shakes seemed like a lot less of a hassle than trying to figure which foods had enough omegas, vitamins and nutrients for me.
  • AngelCaudill
    I just finished with my first one...today. I loved it! I didn't feel like I dieted and I ate more than I usually do. I just made smarter choices. The first 10 days was a a 6.2 lb loss. I will do my final tallies tomorrow morning, but I know that my clothes fit better and my stamina is way up. I was able to run a solid mile and a half without stopping. I have never done that! Some people need a push in a good direction. Those who say it's a waste of money either haven't tried it or are lucky enough to be blessed with an iron will when it comes to eating every possible vitamin and mineral that their body needs. Drinking Sparks, taking supplements and drinking tasty shakes seemed like a lot less of a hassle than trying to figure which foods had enough omegas, vitamins and nutrients for me.

    Great job!
    My hubby just did it as well and lost 20lbs as well as 6 and counting after he finished. I will be starting my own challenge in a few weeks!
  • vanessab1221
    I was really hesitant at firs to do it, but a few of my former athletes were doing the challenges and using some of the other products which helped me not be so leery. Are you just taking the products that come with the 24 Day Challenge? The only thing I would encourage you to add is the Catalyst. I love it!
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I was really hesitant at firs to do it, but a few of my former athletes were doing the challenges and using some of the other products which helped me not be so leery. Are you just taking the products that come with the 24 Day Challenge? The only thing I would encourage you to add is the Catalyst. I love it!

    Love Catalyst, that and Bio Tools. I have a high school basketball coach starting the challenge. He's looking at some of our performance line and Spark (of course) for his players.
  • mishelerenee
    mishelerenee Posts: 14 Member
    Today is day 1 of my first 24 day challenge. I have never done any diet program like this (shakes, supplements, etc.). I had lost 76lbs since August of 2012 by changing my food and exercise habits. But found myself back tracking over the past 8 weeks due to various stressors, and needless to say, I regained 10lbs of my total loss! I think that anyone would lose weight with the eating plan the 24 Day Challenge has us follow; however, for me this has remotivated me to get back on track. It's my first day, and I am back to walking, logging on MFP, and eating well-balanced PLANNED healthy meals. Hopefully, I won't reget this choice in another 23 days and my resolve endures! Wish me luck :):)
  • vanessab1221
    Lots of luck! Can't wait to hear how it's going! Did you add any supplements to the ones already included in the 24 Day Challenge?
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Lots of luck! Can't wait to hear how it's going! Did you add any supplements to the ones already included in the 24 Day Challenge?

    I've recently added Thermo and Catalyst, as well as Bio Tools
  • Leah_Sudela
    What exactly is Bio-Tools and Thermo-plus? I've been thinking of adding Thermo-plus, just not 100% sure what it is targeted for- that catalyst isn't?
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Bio Tools has reduced the pain in my ankle tremendously. I partially tore two ligaments in my ankle back in September and it just wasn't healing. I could not put any serious weight on to my squat, then I started Bio Tools and all the changed. Now I'm squatting 315 lbs. 3 sets 5 reps and 335 lbs. 3 sets 3 reps.
  • smileyface1115
    I am the biggest diet pill skeptic. A co-worker of mine just mentioned she has done this and her husband lost 60 lbs (he did it a few times). I am in a major fitness mode right now and i thought what the heck I might as well try it. I am a CARB ADDICT and CHOCOLATE NEEDER and honestly im doing this because I havent ever done anything like it before. I actually dont believe I can do it so Im challenging myself to be consistent!! Anyway, i start tomorrow and im excited!!
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I am the biggest diet pill skeptic. A co-worker of mine just mentioned she has done this and her husband lost 60 lbs (he did it a few times). I am in a major fitness mode right now and i thought what the heck I might as well try it. I am a CARB ADDICT and CHOCOLATE NEEDER and honestly im doing this because I havent ever done anything like it before. I actually dont believe I can do it so Im challenging myself to be consistent!! Anyway, i start tomorrow and im excited!!

    Good luck, we are here for support.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I did it in May, and even after the challenge was over I've kept most of the good habits I developed during it. I'm eating healthier than I have maybe in my entire life. This is not a fad or a "just do this every few months thing" - it's a plan that can teach you how to eat correctly and has supplements to help you make that transition. If it wasn't for the Spark I would not have been able to give up diet coke. I feel amazing. A friend of mine is doing it now (she's a few days into the max phase) and she feels amazing. Good luck to all of you who are doing it!
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I did it in May, and even after the challenge was over I've kept most of the good habits I developed during it. I'm eating healthier than I have maybe in my entire life. This is not a fad or a "just do this every few months thing" - it's a plan that can teach you how to eat correctly and has supplements to help you make that transition. If it wasn't for the Spark I would not have been able to give up diet coke. I feel amazing. A friend of mine is doing it now (she's a few days into the max phase) and she feels amazing. Good luck to all of you who are doing it!

    Careful anyone who praises Advocare or the 24 Day Challenge will be accused of trying to make money. :laugh:

    That's awesome! Great job keeping the good habits. Keep trying to improve each day.