Hi I'm new and need support!

hi everyone, so starting my weight loss journey today, I've never stuck to a diet for more than a day.......yes I'm that weak :( but I'm determined to do it this time. I weigh over 26 stone and it stops me from doing so many things. I can't even go to the cinema through fear I might not fit in the seats.
So a big hello from me, I'll be looking through this app a lot.


  • Ms_Enzo1313
    Ms_Enzo1313 Posts: 65 Member
    Add me, I am here as well on my journey... no diet for me... every day every meal - I take it one step at a time so I don't keep eating the same things and going back to my old ways. We can do it together!!! It is better when you have support and people that understand where your coming from.
  • NessaReh85
    NessaReh85 Posts: 140 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You will find a lot of support here. Good Luck on your journey! You can do this!!!!! :smile: Just stay positive and always look to MFP friends for support when it gets tough!!!
  • Hey!! I've joined today also. I think after struggling with my weight and yoyo dieting for nearly 10 years I've actually realised its not about fad diets. It's about eating right which I've always thought meant less but the last week I've been eating so much fresh veg and fruit at every meal and I can honestly say im not hungry like I have been on fad diets.

    I still crave chocolate but if I really want one I will have one. I think that's the thing one bad day won't make you fat the same way one good day won't make
    You thin. It's slow and steady and it's such a struggle as you just want to see results the next day!

    Anyway I wish you good luck and remember this isn't a diet it's a change of lifestyle. And today is the start of the rest of you're life as a happier & healthier you. Put your mind to it and you will be surprised xxx
  • merlewalton
    merlewalton Posts: 43 Member
    Welcome to MFP :D

    First off congratulations on wanting help help yourself. You can never fix something if you aren't willing.

    Don't diet. I've tried dieting 100 times and while I can drop 25 lbs on a diet it never works in the end at afterwards I'm always at least 10 lbs heavier.

    Use this system to keep track of your calories. Buy a food scale. This morning I spent ~15 minutes before work draining and weighing tuna fish for sandwiches at work. If you drink milk try going to skim. I love skim milk now. I also switched to whole wheat bread with no high fructose corn syrup. Small changes can add up to pounds over time.

    I was dieting and I lost control last week. I had tons of really horrible food including pizza 2 times in one day, a garbage plate (that's a Rochester NY thing), and more. I just had a lipid panel done and bam my triglycerides are over 500. I'm going to die.

    I started cooking healthy meals this week and actually making lunches instead of walking to the pizzeria across the street.

    Take it slow. Make your goals small like 5-10 lbs. Celebrate your victories. Don't get down if you lose control one day just keep telling yourself that you can do it.
  • MallowBrain
    MallowBrain Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks everyone, you all make a lot of sense, as soon as I've worked out how to add people I will :D
    So determined and I'm already feeling happier as a result of knowing I'm not giving up.
  • Faithhopenlove
    Faithhopenlove Posts: 85 Member
    congrats on taking the first step, we all have struggles but just know that you are worth a healthy happy life, feel free to add me I know you'll get great support on this site:-)