Second time here, good changes last year - not all is lost when you fall off the wagon

Hi all,

This is my second time around in MFP. I knew of the site for a few years but rarely used my account until I discovered a wealth of info in the forums in January 2014 and decided it was time for a change. I have about 95 lb to lose, more importantly, I want to do it saving as much muscle mass as I can.

Last year I lost ~6 kg in 2 months, then a series of events happened and I went off track and decided I wasn't ready to get back on yet. I gave priority to other things and achieved my goals in those things and am back here again :) I still have other goals but I think I can tackle them side by side with weight loss this time.

I did gain the weight back over the course of 10 months so I started exactly where I had left off weight-wise; but-

during the last year, I :
-learned to ride a bike
-learned to ice-skate
-went on hikes and camping with my family
-walked a lot more
-swam a bit more
-climbed stairs a lot more...

And I find fitness-wise I am actually better now than when I left off 10 months ago, after 2 months of exercise, even though I am back at a my starting weight. 12 months ago at the same weight I was out of breath after climbing a flight of stairs...

I see some of my old friend list are still going strong and I congratulate them; most however are gone :( But I have hope that they too will come back, or that they found other ways to improve their health and achieve their weight and fitness goals. The important thing is that...

TLDR: Even if you fall off the wagon, even if you stop logging your food and being aware of your intake, you still don't have to lose all good habits you made. MFP will help make your life better; if you fall, dust yourself off and pick yourself up again, no shame.

Good luck everyone!