Would this increase cause weight gain?

Have crazy wacko idea and need peoples honest opinion if will lead to weight gain.

I am currently recovering from an eating disorder, but due to lack of resources in the area I moved to for grad school I am without a nutritionist. I am currently eating a meal plan to maintain my weight and yes I have doctor's and a therapist. I don't really track calories but have a diabetic exchange meal plan. Somehow in the move to grad and the stress of the transition (dealing with grief from sudden passing of my father, working three jobs as a 22 year old to support my mom and stepdad, and being in an abusive household)..my meal plan got restructured. I never dropped any exchanges just added them to different places and moved them around. Anyway, this ended up with me basically now only having 2 meals and two snacks instead of the three and three I used to have. I think that the fact I am now not eating till 4/5 pm on "good" days is really draining me and my health..so I had an idea. My current "b-fast" which I basically add to lunch since its so small is just 1/2 an english muffin and a single prune. My idea was to somehow find a starch exchange (around 50 cals) I could add here and then the english muffin could isntead become cereal or granola bar...whatever (ie what I see my classmates eat in morning) and I could carry it with me to classes and start eating earlier in the day. Could even take back the yogurt I added to dinner and put it there. Here is issue. The starch I could potentially do this with is one that I took from what used to be a snack and "added" to dinner. But somehow this add went from a real starch to just extra poatoes and slow the "extra" got less. To get the potatoes to the correct portion I would need to add abou 40g of potato....I would test this out first...see if it caused weight gain and if didn't make the b-fast shift. So here is my question. Would this cause weight gain? The 40 extra grams of potato added? Heck would adding a whole starch exchange (probably 60-80 calories) cause weight gain. I guess it probably would right? Especially sine already gaining (had sudden 1 lb gain overnight last night) and testing decreasing exercise (went from 3.5 hours a week that included three spin classes down to same amount but only two spin classes...so same time just different activities). Want real, valid input not just "talk to your team" or "please get help" etc. I have a team they just don't do nutrition stuff. Thanks.


  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    You really need professional help, not strangers on the Internet.
  • CarrieCans
    CarrieCans Posts: 381 Member
    Do you have access to student health care services? There may be someone qualified to help you and possibly even a nutritionist on staff. It would definitely be worth looking into.
  • cerad2
    cerad2 Posts: 70 Member
    An 80 calorie addition will probably not result in any significant weight change especially if you are not currently tracking calories. Try it for a couple of months and let the scale tell the story.

    I found your initial post to be very difficult to read. Consider posting a nice simple version of your current eating plan. Better yet, enter it into your food diary. As it is, I don't think you have provided enough information for anyone to offer useful suggestions.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I agree with cerad2. Your post does not explain a lot about your current goals, exactly what achievements or needed changes you are trying to accomplish.

    Since you said you have a doctor and a therapist, I am not sure why you are posting a question for MFP users to help you decide to eat 60 - 80 calories more food a day and asking if this will cause you gain weight. This tells me that you are still pretty much in this disorder and not getting better. . Personally this is up to you and you have to manage your future.

    I have experience with "ana" but not with "mia" and succumbing to the internet does not seem very effective to me.

    You have had all sorts of eating disorders (per your profile/pics) and you still seem very sick. Please contact your doctor or therapist and most of all get your doctor to help you find a dietician in your area.
  • jess1992uga
    jess1992uga Posts: 603 Member
    Okay will re-post later. Sorry it was difficult to read