Withings Step Monitor - Confused?


I've been using MFP for about 3 years now, but since using the Withings app alongside it to track my steps it keeps adding calories to my daily diary instead of what I suppose it should do, retract them from the steps I've been taking.
I walk everywhere, to work, to town, to uni, to the gym and end up looking at my diary thinking huh?? I've set my activity level to light, but don't understand when I'm suddenly 300 calories over goal because it's added on my Withings steps but after deleting them out takes me back to being in the green again! Does this mean instead I should reduce calorie intake because I haven't moved enough for that day?

Very confused and at the moment can't afford a pedometer, I understand an iPhone tracker won't be accurate as it goes on motion detecting. If anyone has any answers it would be amazing to know what this thing is doing!?



  • ChrizLi
    Hi gemmabuss,
    it seems to be an issue with your MFP and/or Withings. I'm using your configuration on my iphone 6plus as well and it works fine. MFP does not take into account each and every step as far as I've seen however MFP increases the amount of calories I may take for a specific day if I had a step count of bigger than approx. 5.000 steps/day. Below MFP does not reduce my optional calorie intake but I know MFP is able to. So please check if your MFP setup is like "to few steps reduces possible calorie intake".
    Have a nice day.