Looking for friends/motivation!! Anyone paleo?

hi everyone. Doctor recommended I stick to a paleo "lifestyle" to resolve some medical conditions. I'm looking for friends and motivation along my journey regardless if you're into paleo or not. Good luck to all!


  • Hi there!! I'd love to share your journey with you. I'm slowly working my way to paleo and could use some tips. Feel free to friend me!
  • SherrieBee71
    SherrieBee71 Posts: 21 Member
    Best wishes! You can do it. I have been reading on it all day--that and clean eating. I bought a book on paleo also. Pinterest has some awesome recipes for it. I am thinking that is the direction I need to take with my eating
  • ForeverFitNHealthy
    ForeverFitNHealthy Posts: 1,307 Member
    I am new here too and doing Paleo. You can do it!
  • tashi1
    tashi1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello - I am going to try eating Paleo as well. I'm wondering about how to change my % of calorie amounts on this site. I've read some differing opinions on % of protein, carbs etc. Anyone have any ideas?
  • Hi guys! I am returning to MFP after a few months of thinking I didn't really "need" to record my daily food habits (umm, incorrect) - my husband and I have been eating Paleo (Approx 80-85% of the time) we will drink alcohol 1 or 2 days a week....obvs, NOT Paleo! Ha!) almost 1 year now. I have learned a LOT by doing so. I too am happy to receive some motivation from folks and help out where I can.

    As for changing the % of calories in this app, I am unsure. I can say that recording a Paleo diet makes the pie chart fall heavily in the "fats" for sure - we snack on nuts, boiled eggs, and avocados - it is very easy to eat too many of these things so that is why we have returned to MFP.

    Is this what you guys are finding when recording your Paleo diet in MFP?
  • LeenaGee
    LeenaGee Posts: 749 Member
    edited January 2015
    There is a Primal/Paleo Support Group on this site if you are interested. Lots of great tips there.

    I have been eating a Paleo style diet for years and love it but there are so many wonderful healthy options to choose from that it is easy to overeat. That is why I am here, to use the calorie counter. I want to find the healthy balance and lose those few extra kilos that I have gained from living the good life. :D
  • jnyhart
    jnyhart Posts: 30 Member
    Hi, I'm new here as well and could definitely use motivation! I have been told by my Dr that I have to change my eating habits. I am just read g about paleo so I don't really know much about it yet. Add me as a friend, I will try to help! :)