New Year Old Me!

Enough of this "new year, new me", I want the old me - the 20 something who had energy and didn't care about weight or body image. Being over 40 now, I realize that my lifestyle didn't bode well with the "rings around my trunk," so it's time to make a change. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for what I have (loving kids, great job, great wife) and honest about what I don't (a lot of time, a thin waist, ninja skillz).

It's time to take control of my health and slim down a bit; not saying I'm extremely overweight, but being 5'10", I can stand to move down from my 197lbs. I'd been using the LoseIt app for the past few weeks, but find the database in MFP to be a much better option. Along with this "calorie counting", as the kids call it, I've been doing P90X Classic for the past week and a half. Hey, wanna test your willpower? How about getting up at the *kitten* crack of dawn for an hour of self-doubt and humility wrapped in a sweat inducing coma and calling it P90X! While I jest, I really have seen improvements in just this little bit of time, we'll see how it is after my 90X days are up.

I'm looking for motivation, and hopefully the slight weight loss will be enough to keep me focused on sticking with this workout regimen. I'm a realist, and with that I know that a) this won't be easy, and b) it won't be quick, but hopefully it'll be enough of a lifestyle change to at least be aware even after the 90 days. My only other option was starting a meth habit, but I'm weird about my teeth and like showers, so that option is off the table.

Regardless, I'm here, I'm pumped, and I'm sometimes hungry - LET'S DO THIS!


  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Welcome to the site! You've come with motivation, that's awesome :)
  • kmack29_
    kmack29_ Posts: 13 Member
    welcome! feel free to add me as a friend! the more friends the better!
  • crimsonpaw
    crimsonpaw Posts: 12 Member
    edited January 2015
    Thanks for the warm welcomes! You're right Hearts, I am motivated; let's see how that stands up at this time next month (after chocolate season ends on the 14th).
  • rschluet
    rschluet Posts: 3 Member
    That was so worth the read. Even if only for the comedic relief.