logging calories for bokwa step?

Does anyone else do bokwa step? What do you log it as in your diary?



  • merv243
    merv243 Posts: 19 Member
    edited January 2015
    Not a direct answer to your question, but if you calculate your daily calories using MFP or another calculator and select an activity level other than "not active", then your workout calories are already implicitly included in your daily intake, and if you log them they'll get counted twice (and thus you'd be overeating).

    Estimating calories for something like this is super difficult, because it will depend on your intensity level, even if doing the same routine. That's why it's generally easier to just use an activity level to estimate.

    If I had to guess, after watching a few videos (never heard of it before now!), I'm guessing you'd burn about 500 calories per hour with a moderate intensity. I find their claims of 1200 calories per hour hard to believe, but if you went hard, and I mean HARD, I bet you could get up to 750 or 800.