Trying to stay positive

started my weight loss journey again on Monday but I have had a bunch of stuff come up that really is taking a toll on me and I'm feeling down. I have kept up with eating healthy and working out but Im scared I'll end up back tracking. Any advice on how everyone deals with their stress?


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    Sounds like you could use a support group girl!

    Are you prone to overeating? You'll only get off track if you LET yourself get off track! I always found journalling it out to help me stave the food dragon! Feel free to friend me and we can chat about it!
  • carmatiz
    carmatiz Posts: 124 Member
    Everytime im faced with stress or adversity. Iv found the gym helps me deal with it. Taking my frustrations out. It seems to help.
  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    I read somewhere that food acts as a sedative so certain people are prone to that uncontrollable urge to calm themselves with food. I will sometimes give myself one splurge- some chocolate or soy ice cream then take a bath-- or if you can afford it- treat yourself to a massage. Call a friend to discuss the stressful situation- always helps- even though I am prone not to. Try to remember that it will just make being down even more difficult if you don't keep up with your routine and stay on track. Best wishes...