letting out the sexy woman hiding in this body

Hi. I have been sort of using mfp for a long time but not dedicated to it till now. I'm 50. On January 1st I weighed 191 lbs. I'm diabetic (type II) with an A1C of 10.1, I had a mild heart attack in december. My goal is to get my health under control and to do that I need to really pay attention to what goes into my body. I'm the type the thrives with encouragement. I'm also good at helping others stay focused. So feel free to add me. Also I would love to connect with others that are using Wii Fit Plus. I think learning to plan what I eat is important if I'm going to keep it off. I don't know how to plan my meals and really could use help with that.


  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Welcome to the site :) There's a T2 group, probably several that you might also be interested in. Being in a group atmosphere can really help work on getting the numbers back down to healthy, lots of inspiration and motivation in groups. Good luck :)