The 5:2 Diet

I'm back again after a break from dieting and started the 5:2 diet on 17th January after all the tempting foods left over from xmas were finished!
I have put on a lot of weight due to a leg problem which has meant that I have become sedentry since my exercise level has dropped.
I have lost just over 4 pounds so far which I'm very pleased with. The diet is five days of eating a normal healthy balanced diet plus two days of 500 calories for women and 600 calories for men. I have spent my life on diets and think I have finally found the one which works for me.
If anyone else is on this diet I would like to hear how they are getting on.


  • bumblebuzz94
    Hey! Just seen your post after searching the forums and I've started the 5:2 diet today :) completed my first fast day and feeling good so far. I've heard some pretty good things about it so hoping it works for me and helps me to shed the few pounds I gained back over Christmas. Like you I too had a break from dieting (for about 6 weeks, regretting it now lol) and I hope to lose 40lbs (eeek) by 1st June, fingers crossed this diet does it for me!
  • zerafa99
    zerafa99 Posts: 10 Member
    I started on Jan 16th and have had fasting days every other day so it will be 4 fasting days one week and 3 the next. I lost 6 lbs in the first week so am delighted! To make life easier on feast days I made both a cottage pie and a fish pie and divided them into 4 portions eating one and freezing 3 for other days. I just have a green vegetable with them. I think I shall ensure that the food on feasting days is high in nutrients to compensate for the fasting days.
    To start with on fasting days I just had tea with skimmed milk for breakfast and home made soups for lunch and dinner with a slice of toasted 50/50 bread. In total I had 5 cups of tea per day. I have checked Weight Watchers tined soup and its about 97 calories so if busy I can eat that.
    My aim is to get the balance of nutrients right to compensate for the fasting days. I may even start taking multivitamin tablets just to ensure that I'm not missing anything as I'm fasting so much. I go on holiday on 12th May so hoping to have lost at least a stone by then. I have about 5 stone in total to shed.
    How's your plan going?