Unhappy and stuck in a rut



  • carmy43
    carmy43 Posts: 8 Member
    wow,that was me..I was at 330 for a long time and would not go out unless i absolutely had to.missing out on on so much with my daughter...hated going to work too cos i was huge.I had a reality check at the doctors when she weighed me..I hadnt weighed myself in years but thought I was 20 pounds lighter. That was Valentine's Day this year. I Started weight watchers online only..and a month later began to work out very lightly and added MFP to log also.Yesterday i did spinning for an hour so my stamnina is improving as I lose n feel a lil more confident in myself.It will happen to you too..The hardest part is starting n feeling defeated cos of the pounds we need to lose but I put it out of my head n stay focused on a smaller number each week..And non scale victories mean alot too(spinning for an hour for me and now wearing a 3x instead of 4 or 5x) You can do it and will do it...keep in touch n dont give up!
  • rainbowshimmer
    Hello and welcome to MFP. I can relate so much with your story. The lowest weight I have ever been in my life was 160 (when I was a teenager) Got married young, and 12 years and 2 kids later, I had ballooned to over 200 lbs. I became depressed, and like you said, didn't want to leave the house. I had tried many different ways to lose weight, with no success, and I felt at the end of my rope. Then, in April (of this year) I said, I have had enough.....I deserve better, and I have to learn to love myself. I never ate junk food, my problem was that I ate too much, so I started cutting out the mashed potatoes, the rice, the packaged foods. I started leaning more to veggies and fish. I started drinking more water, and less diet soda (which is just as bad for you as regular soda). I didn't just cut it out cold turkey, but like another poster put on here, when you start tracking your foods, and you see how many calories are in the foods, or the amounts of foods you have been eating, it's like, OMG, wow, and then you don't want to eat it. I have always struggled with exercise....I HATE IT. I envy people who love exercise, because for me, it is downright horrible, but again, I started out slow. The first week, I went for a 10 min walk everyday...just 10 min. The next week, I made it a 20 min walk in the morning, and my son and I would do some push-ups, jumping jacks, sit-ups and stuff like that...it was more of a fun thing. 5 weeks in, I have lost 22 pounds and yesterday, I went for a 3 mile walk at a brisk, constant pace. Man, I felt good about myself! That may not seem like much, but it was huge for me!! Lol. I think my biggest mistake in the past with dieting is that I would get all excited to lose weight, and after a week or 2, I would only lose 5 pounds and my motivation would be gone. I have learned it is a process, sometimes a long process. It took me 10 years to put the weight on, I can't expect it will come right off. Start out slow, but start somewhere, and if you take a wrong turn, turn around and get back on track. Don't beat yourself up, but be honest with yourself as well. If you need motivation, look to some of the forums on here, there have been SO many people with motivational words, and it really has helped me keep my spirits up and my determination strong as I continue on my journey. All my love and support to you and everyone out there on their health and fitness journeys!!