The New Me

I'm 38 years old and I started my weight loss journey January 1st of 2013. I weighed in at 322lbs. I started off just doing a full body workout 3 times a week and every other day o would do a half hour of cardio. I did that for 3 months. In April of that year, I had quit smoking, feeling that it was hindering my cardio workout. I had signed up with a personal trainer online and had was given a meal plan and workout program. She also had taught me which supplements I should be taking. My workouts were intense and I was going hard for 6 days a week. My meal plan I followed to a tee and I was getting good success on this and I followed that program for 4 months and had gotten down to 290lbs. I felt good but was kind of disappointed that I wasn't lower in weight with all the work and clean eating I was doing. I had stopped the workouts and meal plan and had started researching other stuff online for the next 10 months. The lowest I ever got was 286lbs back in June of 2014. I was running a mile for my warm up and was eating a keto diet and felt that the keto diet was too hard for my body, I was constantly having a headache and felt like crap really. So from July of 2014 to this past Tuesday, I had tried different workouts and meal plans. My biggest weakness is the diet. I can work out with a lot of intensity, dripping sweat, and going full out, I am definitely stronger than I was two years ago. I feel the clean eating I do for 4-6 days at a time I have great success in dropping pounds. In one week I can drop 15lbs of water weight, and then I totally derail and start to eat whatever I can get my hands on for a day or two. So all the hard work and clean eating was all for not and I put back on what I had lost in the previous few days. I have been on that yo yo for a few months. So on Tuesday Jan 20th, 2015 I weighed in 320lbs and today I weighed in at 309 lbs. I had lost 11lbs in 3 days, I know all of it is water, my goal is to get to 300lbs on February 1st of this year, and my overall goal is to get to 200lbs by Christmas Day of 2015. I have given my self a goal of losing 10lbs a month. With knowing what I know now, how my body responds to food, which moods and thoughts that make me go off the deep end and start eating whatever I can get my hands on, with some self control and knowing my weaknesses, I am off to a good start. I know I can do it, patience and being consistent will get me to my goal.


  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    Dude, congrats on the efforts so far. Don't get discouraged!

    It takes time, and the amounts will vary. I think when I started at about 250lbs, it took two months to see the first real results, and then it was like a pound or two a month for the few few. Then it started flying off.

    Discipline will follow once you get into it as well.