
Hello, my name is Nicole. I am 32, married and have 3 children. They are 14,7, and 3. I also have PCOS and I struggle day with my weight because of it. I am about 50 lbs. overweight. The year I got pregnant with my third child, I lost 60lbs in about 7 months. I worked out 6 days a week and really watched what I ate ( especially my carbs because of the PCOS). Drank about 12 glasses of water a day. I felt so good!!! I finally was back in the same size pants I was when I was a senior in high school. I remember thinking after 10 years of giving and doing for everyone but me, I finally did it!!! So, we were praying for another baby and we were blessed by having our son. I gained 60lbs with him. I did good until my 5 month. I still worked out everyday, didn't give into my cravings, but then, all of a sudden I was tired. I homeschool my other two, being sick to my stomach, the only thing that helped was breads, cereals, crackers, etc. After having him, I lost 30lbs. immediately. Then lost another 10lbs. with nursing. So ok, only 20lbs, left. Not too bad. forward after nursing for 22 months and another year Im still 50 lbs overweight. So, Im now back at square one. I know Ive done it before but it does get discouraging when your own body fights you and tries to gain more weight. I came across, MyFitness Pal and so, Im giving it a go. Day two, and Im tired and sore from yesterday's workout. Anyway, I hope this works. Thanks for reading my intro!!!!