Protein on Keto Diet

I've been doing low-carb since January 5th of this year. I used to Keto Calculator to figure out my macros and am doing fine with my calorie intake (I track everything in MFP) and I've yet to go over on carbs more than 25g (usually I stay around 20). However, I consistently go over on my protein intake. The calculator says I should only be taking in 54g on average, but this is almost doubled everyday. I'm mostly eating things like chicken, beef, venison, and bacon for meat and things like eggs, broccoli, avocados for other sources of protein. I keep my calories right around 1100-1200 and use the elliptical for 30-35minutes/day burning about 200-220 calories each time. I have still only lost 6 lbs since beginning this journey and today I'm back up a pound, without having changed my eating habit. I know it's not good to weigh yourself daily due to water weight fluctuations, so I keep that in mind. I'm just wondering if going over that much on my protein intake can really cause me to stall or sort of just maintain when my goal is to lose, and if that IS the case, how do I lower my intake without being too hungry? Any advice/info is appreciated.

29/F/5'2" | CW 160.6 | 43% BF | Mostly sedentary

* 1280 kcal Goal, a 24% deficit. (594 min, 1684 max)
* 25g Carbohydrates
* 56g Protein (55g min, 91g max)
* 106g Fat (30g min, 151g max)


  • miketoryan
    miketoryan Posts: 41 Member
    you've lost 6 lbs in less than 3 weeks. i'd say stick with it until you actually stall.
  • miketoryan
    miketoryan Posts: 41 Member
    btw, only weigh yourself once a week because your body retains or loses water all the time so your weight will fluctuate. just stick to the diet and if you go like a month without losing any weight then start tinkering
  • chouflour
    chouflour Posts: 193 Member
    The intent of keto (low carb, adequate protein, high fat) is that you replace the protein you're eating too much of with fat.

    My husband does modified keto (he eats slightly higher carb on days he bicycles more than 2 hours) and his target is 2g of fat per gram of protein. Higher fat beef and pork (he generally avoids chicken, and would avoid venison) help, so do high-fat sauces and double-cream cheeses. The fat is highly satisfying, and controls his hunger. It also avoids the downsides of low-carb diets like dragon-death-breath.

    That said, a few things stand out:

    1) You've lost 5lb in 3 weeks. Good job! Keep up the good work.
    2) You're eating 1200 calories/day. Too many carbs or too much protein at that calorie number isn't going to make you stall out. It's calories in vs calories out - keto is just a way to feel more satisfied on the lower calorie number.
    3) If you're going to weigh yourself daily (nothing wrong with that - I do it), you should find one of the spreadsheets or websites that calculates a trend for you. Note the weight, but consider the trend more accurate than any single scale weight.
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    keto is a high fat diet not a high protein diet. regardless you will lose fat if you are in a calorie deficit. ( not 6 pounds in 3 weeks, that's mostly water ) less protien more fat if you want to follow a keto diet. Besides any keto benifits you will find that it also cost less as protein tends to be the most expensive macro to shop for.
  • miketoryan
    miketoryan Posts: 41 Member
    she's eating 2 grams of fat per gram of protein, that isn't her problem
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    miketoryan wrote: »
    she's eating 2 grams of fat per gram of protein, that isn't her problem

    If her goal is 56 grams of protein and 106 grams of fat but is actually eating double the amount of protein then she isn't eating 2 for 1 protein to fat. Further more, if she is hitting her calorie goal and eating 25 grams of carbs, 112 grams of protein then she isn't eating 106 grams of fat. That would put her over calorie her calorie
  • miketoryan
    miketoryan Posts: 41 Member
    yeah but she says the average is 56 protein and 106 fat and that's fine.
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    Me thinks you are assuming the stats at the end of her post are what she is eating and I am assuming that is her goal.
  • dieselbyte
    dieselbyte Posts: 733 Member
    chouflour wrote: »
    The intent of keto (low carb, adequate protein, high fat) is that you replace the protein you're eating too much of with fat.

    My husband does modified keto (he eats slightly higher carb on days he bicycles more than 2 hours) and his target is 2g of fat per gram of protein. Higher fat beef and pork (he generally avoids chicken, and would avoid venison) help, so do high-fat sauces and double-cream cheeses. The fat is highly satisfying, and controls his hunger. It also avoids the downsides of low-carb diets like dragon-death-breath.

    That said, a few things stand out:

    1) You've lost 5lb in 3 weeks. Good job! Keep up the good work.
    2) You're eating 1200 calories/day. Too many carbs or too much protein at that calorie number isn't going to make you stall out. It's calories in vs calories out - keto is just a way to feel more satisfied on the lower calorie number.
    3) If you're going to weigh yourself daily (nothing wrong with that - I do it), you should find one of the spreadsheets or websites that calculates a trend for you. Note the weight, but consider the trend more accurate than any single scale weight.

    As stated above, weight loss/gain is CICO. Going over protein but staying under calories won't cause you to gain or stall.

    However, I thought the whole point of a keto diet, not to be confused with HF/LC, was actually going into ketosis, no? Too much protein will either kick you out of ketosis, or not allow your body to go into ketosis.
  • If your goal is low carb, high protein, check out Atkins site.
  • miketoryan
    miketoryan Posts: 41 Member
    Camo_xxx wrote: »
    Me thinks you are assuming the stats at the end of her post are what she is eating and I am assuming that is her goal.

    oh, you're right. i fail at reading. i glossed over the sentence where she said she was doubling her intended intake of protein.