Back on the Wagon

I am back after a hard fall of the wagon, apparently it was a very bumpy ride that just took me right off. However I am back on and hopefully I have a smooth surface ahead. I'd rather buy clothes that are down in size and not go up..that is my goal... oh yes yes and to get healthy and maintain a healthier lifestyle.....Peep at me and join my friends list the more the supporters the better the success!!!


  • Sherriediva1
    Sherriediva1 Posts: 345 Member
    Yeah, I'm feeling that wagon!! Breaking out of the "ruts" is really hard. I'm just recently back in the saddle myself! If you look at my profile, which was written in 2010 when I first joined MFP, you'll note that I said " I want to buy CUTE, not bigger!!" Now I would just settle for "shopping" from my closet of things that I can't wear right now. I call it the "If I lost 20 pounds" store!!

    Feel free to add me!! and HAPPY FRIDAY!!
  • That's what I've just started doing too... This has worked for me before, hoping I can stick with it this time!
  • Tchw1330
    Tchw1330 Posts: 2 Member
    Not happy that you all have been in a rut, but kinda happy I have company :smile: . Last year was a lot of falling off that wagon. Maybe I should have tried chasing it LOL. I'm trying to motivate myself with the promise of a new wardrobe. I refuse to buy anything new until I reach my goal. We can do it!