Afternoon fatigue

I am new to eating healthy and working out, I work out mornings, but every single afternoon and early evening I am gassed out and so low on energy. So tired. I know I'm doing something wrong. Any tips for me to keep up the energy?


  • questionfear
    questionfear Posts: 527 Member
    What are you eating at lunch? I know that I have trouble if I am trying to be "good", and end up undershooting on what to have for lunch. For example, I'll aim for a veggie-heavy salad, but I won't load up on much protein and regret it later.
  • cactusscraps
    cactusscraps Posts: 15 Member
    I cooked up some chicken today thinking that protein was the issue. Greenbeans, spinach, and cherry tomatoes. I usually do salads and such and thought maybe I was going too light as well.
    Has more protein lunchtime been working better for you? Can you tell the difference?
  • questionfear
    questionfear Posts: 527 Member
    I can! I definitely would crash and get super grumpy if I didn't have enough protein.

    What also works for me: a cup of coffee or tea, since sometimes I just need a reason to get up and move around, and the caffeine jolt helps, and sometimes I bring a small high protein snack with me (a small container of greek yogurt, a few strips of baked tofu, etc) just to give me something to snack on and boost me.

    Are you as tired on your non-workout days as on the workout days? If you aren't, maybe add a slightly larger breakfast or lunch to workout days. I try to lift M/W/F, so those days I have three eggs with breakfast instead of two, or I add 1/4 cup of beans to some kale.

    But I know protein works for me...maybe a little extra carb boost works better for you. It's worth experimenting with a larger lunch/smaller dinner too, or seeing if working out at night instead of morning helps.
  • cactusscraps
    cactusscraps Posts: 15 Member
    I have 4 kids and no equipment, and no time to myself in the evenings. Lol, if I don't work out in mornings I hardly ever get the opportunity to later.
    I'm always afraid to eat big earlier, my mind tells me I won't get to eat later! But that's not working for me, I will def take your suggestions and eat a little more breakfast lunch and go smaller for dinner. Try to get my protein and carbs earlier so more energy to get through the day.
    Thank you for your input and suggestions!
  • lisaw19855
    lisaw19855 Posts: 165 Member
    I eat weatabix on the mornings I'm going to work or riding then eggs at lunch time which seems to work. When I was eating badly I'd always feel like an afternoon nap, these days I have far too much energy at times and get restless but sleeping at night now.
  • keziak1
    keziak1 Posts: 204 Member
    Can you try a light but protein-rich snack in the mid-afternoon? Yogurt is a good option.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    When I work out in the morning or midday I usually like to have either a bigger lunch or some kind of mid afternoon snack, so you might just need to eat more or break up your calories differently. (I'm someone else who naturally wants to save calories for the evening, so you just have to experiment to get the balance right.)
  • cactusscraps
    cactusscraps Posts: 15 Member
    What is weatabix? A cereal? Is that good protein or mostly carb?
    I'm not a huge fan of eggs, but will give that a go so I don't burn out on chicken. You have any other protein favorites?
  • cactusscraps
    cactusscraps Posts: 15 Member
    I'm kinda at a loss on good protein choices. Don't know enough yet! What do you usually go for with protein snacks?
  • Fat4Fuel2
    Fat4Fuel2 Posts: 280 Member
    Are you drinking enough? If you're working out in the morning and not drinking during the day, dehydration can make you tired. Also, maybe try adding a little bit of healthy fat to your lunch or breakfast like avocado on a salad. It helps even out your blood sugar so you don't crash.
  • cactusscraps
    cactusscraps Posts: 15 Member
    Yeah, I drink enough water. Maybe too much, avocado is a great idea and I love them. Thanks!
  • lisaw19855
    lisaw19855 Posts: 165 Member
    What is weatabix? A cereal? Is that good protein or mostly carb?

    Weetabix is a whole grain wheat breakfast cereal, mainly carbs (low sugar) but it keeps me feeling full and is something for me to burn off.

    I tried eggs before a morning at work (very physical) nearly passed out later in the day....oops
  • questionfear
    questionfear Posts: 527 Member
    I have 4 kids and no equipment, and no time to myself in the evenings. Lol, if I don't work out in mornings I hardly ever get the opportunity to later.
    I'm always afraid to eat big earlier, my mind tells me I won't get to eat later! But that's not working for me, I will def take your suggestions and eat a little more breakfast lunch and go smaller for dinner. Try to get my protein and carbs earlier so more energy to get through the day.
    Thank you for your input and suggestions!

    I hear you, I only have one kid (and a dog) and I find if I don't slip out at 5am to work out there's just. no. time. :)
  • keziak1
    keziak1 Posts: 204 Member
    try a Google search for "protein snacks". great sites pop right up with tons of ideas. Hmm, they make me hungry.
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    1. Go to bed early.
    2. Eat a high protein/carb snack, I save yogurt for my mid afternoon slump time. 28 grams protein, 13 grams carbs...
    3. Drink more water.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I'm kinda at a loss on good protein choices. Don't know enough yet! What do you usually go for with protein snacks?

    Greek yogurt or cottage cheese are easy, smoked salmon, protein bar or shake if you do that, some nuts if getting huge amounts of protein are not a priority (some fat and protein), hard boiled egg.
  • cactusscraps
    cactusscraps Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you so very much, all of you! :D
  • maxit
    maxit Posts: 880 Member
    ...and get enough sleep :)
  • cactusscraps
    cactusscraps Posts: 15 Member
    maxit wrote: »
    ...and get enough sleep :)

    That's a hard one.... ;)
  • imabeevampire
    imabeevampire Posts: 166 Member
    im on my second week and constantly yawning! I used to go to bed around 10/11 and now can barley keep my eyes open past 9! But i wake up early and work out. Might just take a while for your body to get used to it :) but defo keep hydrated and make sure youre eating enough